Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Trump Impeachement

Here is a timeline of the most significant points in the Trump Impeachment process.  There is also historical points to show the pointlessness of it.  Will there be another after he is reelected? 

Adam Schiff attacks John Boltons credibility over WMDs and other statements

Pelosi "impeachment is off the table" it is a "waste of time"(This is about Bush and Cheney but the attitude and reasoning shouldnt have changed)

Pelosi(Catholic) first female House Speaker from Boehner(Catholic)

Jan 5 2011
Pelosi(Catholic) passed gavel to Boehner(Catholic)

Trump mentions "pizza gate" while talking about Anthony Weiner.

Bolton on Freedom Watch talks about his views on knowingly lying

July 13 2013
Pelosi on "our pope" Francis "make me a channel of thy peace. Where there is darkness may we bring light"

July 2015
Pope Francis(Jesuit) addresses a Joint Session of the House in front of Boehner and Biden

Oct 29 2015
Pelosi(Catholic) passed gavel to Ryan(Catholic) will eventually give us Obamacare

Feb 2017
CIA figures out the Russian Alpha bank info is fake

Apr 2018
Ryan forces Jesuit Priest to resign because he was meddling in politics

Sep 2018
Maxine Waters wants to impeach Pence after Trump for his political views not for a crime.

Jan 4 2019
Talib emotional "impeach the mother..."

Feb 2019
Pelosi trys to slow impeachment

March 11 2029
Pelosi impeachment is "just not worth it" want something "compelling and overwhelming"

March 14 2019
Pelosi "I dont think we should impeach the president for political reasons" needs to be "ironclad in terms of your facts"

April 18 2019
Mueller Report released

May 16 2019
Pelosi "I think the president everyday gives grounds for impeachment in terms of his obstruction of justice"

May 23 2019
Pelosi "House Dems caucus is not on a path to impeachment"

July 19 2019
Jesuit priest and House Chaplin holds a first ever exorcism in the House “I now cast out all spirits of darkness from this chamber, spirits not from you,"

July 25 2019
Pelosi "just facts and the law thats what matters not politics not partisanship"

July 27 2019
Trump-Zelensky phone call made

Aug 27 2019
Bolton describes the Trump-Zelensky call as "warm and cordial"

Sep 11 2019
Aid money released to Ukraine

Sep 19 2019
Sondland tells Taylor "Bill, I believe you are incorrect about
President Trumps intentions. The President has been clear no quid pro
quos of any kind. The President is trying to evaluate whether Ukraine is truly
going to adopt the transparency and reforms that President Zelensky promised
during his campaign"(S)

Sep 24 2019
Pelosi announces an unvoted impeachment inquiry "betrayal of the integrity of our elections"

Sep 25 2019
Trump releases Trump-Zelensky phone call transcript

Nov 2019
Pelosi impeachment is "prayerful" and "sad"

Dec 18 2019
House impeachment said to be less fair that the trial of Jesus

Dec 19 2019
House votes to impeach Trump on 2 articles Pelosi has to stop clapping of "prayerful and sad" occasion

Jan 15 2020
Pelosi uses 30+ pens to sign the impeachment document

Jan 31 2020
House votes not to have witnesses. Constitution win!

Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Spanish Armada and The Last Crusade

Lets address the "Last Crusade" part.  You wont see this listed in a normal list of crusades, BUT it was a crusade because Queen Elizabeth I was excommunicated(Sixtus even renewed it just in case)  and King Philip II was given the rights to issue crusade taxes and pope Sixtus v was offering a million crowns if Philip II landed the invasion force on England.
The Spanish Armada is a period in history that is taught in most schools, but with very little explanation other than a shifting of sea power from Spain to England.  If we look at the lead up to it and the impetus behind it we will see that there was a more sinister force and motive for its creation.

Listen Here

Gutenberg developed the movable type printing press.  It didn't catch on quickly because it was suppressed by the Catholic church.  As the press pushed out more books, including the Bible, Protestantism began to grow.   Common people were able to read and figure out things for themselves and not what was told to them by priests.

The Papal Schism ends.  The church goes from a max of 3 popes to only one.  It started because they elected a douche pope and decided they didn't want him so they elected another, but the first didn't step down.
This is also the time period popes began using the title "Pontifex Maximus".  The title came from the king of Pergamon(Satan's throne) via Julius Caesar.

Joan of Arc hears voices and helps the French turn the tide of the 100 Years War.

Joan of Arc

Joan of Arc was offered for ransom(common event).  France passes(She wasnt that important).  So then she is offered to England(who she had been fighting).  They pay the ransom and burn her at the stake because only a witch would hear voices.

Oct 19 1453
100 Years War ends(started 1337 between England and France both Catholic).

Oct 12 1492
Columbus discovers the "West Indies"

Treaty of Tordesillas map

June 07 1494
Treaty of Tordesillas was created to divide the new world between Spain and Portugal to clear up the previous Treaty of Alcacovas(1479) dividing up the globe and based on the popes authority over the world.

Sep 04 1517
Martin Luther posts 97 theses "Disputation against Scholastic Theology"

Oct 31 1517
Martin Luther posts  the 95 theses "Disputation of Martin Luther on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences" leading off with the phrase, "Out of love for the truth...".  These were a problem because powerful people(Albert of Mainz and pope Leo x) were using indulgences to enrich themselves.  Posting the theses wasnt the problem attacking indulgences(revenue stream) was. What does the Bible say about the love of money?
Twitter Indulgences

Old St Peters Basilica

St Peters Basilica today(2min vid)

Apr 22 1529
Treaty of Zaragoza to further divide the world between Spain and Portugal.

Henry VIII of England issued the "Statute in Restraint of Appeals" which signals the religious break of England from the Catholic church. Henry would later have two daughters, Mary(Catholic) and Elizabeth I(Protestant), who would rule and religion would be prominent in their rule.

Sep 27 1540
Ignatius of Loyola(pedophile - He tried to hook up with an 11 year old Catherine of Austria, the sister of his buddy Charles V, in 1518.  He fails and turns celibate.) starts the "Society of Jesus" or the "Jesuits" after being injured by a cannonball in 1521.  His injury and a vision lead him to start the Catholic order.

Ignatius Loyola(pedophile)

July 25 1554
King Philip II(Catholic) becomes King of England solely thru marriage when he marries Queen Mary(Catholic).

Queen Mary

Nov 17 1558
Queen Mary(aka Bloody Mary because she burned Protestants at the stake) dies and Philip II loses his access to the crown of England. Queen Elizabeth I(Protestant) takes over and begins converting England to Protestantism.  Philip II will propose to Elizabeth I.  She will decline his offer.

The Eighty Years War(1648) breaks out. This would also make the Dutch another antagonist at sea to help topple Spain and Portugal's dominance.

John Hawkins built the first of the English race-built galleons(Foresight).

Feb 25 1570
The pope Sixtus v excommunicates Queen Elizabeth I with "Regnans in Excelsis" so King Philip II can attack her and allow her Catholic subjects to take part in assassination attempts against her.

Queen Elizabeth I

June 02 1571
"Ridolfi Plot" The pope pushes Philip II to take out Elizabeth I and he supports a plan to assassinate her and place the Duke of Norfolk and Mary Queen of Scots in her place.  It is called the "Ridolfi Plot" after the conspiracies designer Roberto di Ridolfi.  Using Catholic bishop John Lesley to convince the parties involved to agree to the conspiracy. The conspiracy fails and the Duke of Norfolk is executed.  The pope enjoys using others to do his bidding.

Aug 22 1572
Gaspard II de Coligny(prominent Huguenot) was shot twice in the street and would be killed 2 days later during the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre.

Aug 23-24 1572
St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre Catholics murder Huguenots throughout the city when the Catholic citizens were armed(in fear of retaliation for Coligny *see above) and the city gates were closed so the Huguenots could not escape once the killing started.
Pope Gregory xiii commissioned paintings and medals to commemorate the event.  He claimed it was "divine retribution".

St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre medals

Sep 26 1580
Sir Francis Drake(England) completes his voyage circumnavigating the globe after raiding Spanish gold ships along the coast of South America.

Mar 18 1582
Catholic Juan de Jauaregi attempts to assassinate William of Orange by shooting him in the head.  The bullet went under his right ear and out his left jaw.  William recovered, but was unable to speak after and became known as William the Silent.
Jauaregi was convinced by Catholic Gaspar de Anastro that he was protected by magical and religious trinkets he carried and would turn invisible after he shot William.  Jauaregi did not turn invisible and was killed.

Jauaregi attempting to kill Will of O

Oct 15 1582
All Catholic countries adopt the Gregorian calendar that we use today. The days are shifted 10 days ahead.

John Somerville was discovered to be plotting to kill Queen Elizabeth I.  He hanged himself in prison before he could be executed.

July 10 1584
Catholic Jesuit Balthasar GĂ©rard assassinates William of Orange for being a traitor to the Catholic church.

Bullet holes from assassination

Reward letter from Philip II to Gerards family

Dec 31 1584
Treaty of Joinville was signed by Spain and the Catholic League.  It committed Spain to financing the fight against Protestants.  This is the same template the Vatican uses today. They have a world power fight for them and exhaust their capital while quietly pulling the strings from behind the veil like the Wizard of Oz.

Anglo-Spanish War(1604) starts

June 07 1585
Roanoke the first English colony in the New World is founded.

Aug 19 1585
Treaty of Nonsuch was signed between English and Dutch in response to the the Treaty of Joinville

July 07 1586
"Babington Plot" is attempted via coded letter where Catholic Mary Queen of Scots issues a command to kill Elizabeth I.  Sir Francis Walsingham was instrumental in developing a counter spy network and using Thomas Phelippes to decode the message and use it against Mary leading to her execution. Walsingham was driven by preventing another St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre.

Apr 19 1587
Sir Francis Drake leads the Raid of Cadiz supported by Walsingham.  Drake captures or destroys 130 ships.  The extremely successful raid of the Spanish port pushes back the Spanish Armada by a year.  When the Spanish Armada left a year later it would only have 130 ships.
Foxes Book of Martyrs became a best seller.

Feb 09 1588
Marquis of Santa Cruz dies and the 7th Duke of Medina Sidonia is appointed as the new admiral. He did not have any experience in the navy and did not want the position.  The raid of Cadiz creates some logistical issues. Spain has to impress ships to fill the quota and they have to rush creation of cannon and impress as many cannon as they can find.  The problem is back then there were multiple ways of measuring caliber.  The Italian and Spanish both had differing gauges.  We learn from shipwrecks many of the cannons had the wrong type of ammo onboard and a lot of the guns were never fired because they had defects and would have been explosive hazards.

May 28 1588
The Spanish Armada sets sail for England. Before leaving pope Sixtus v allowed Philip II to collect crusade taxes.  Philip II, according to personal letters, was deluded in thinking he was doing Gods work by working for the pope.
Queen Elizabeth I recognizes the Catholic backing of the Spanish Armada (30 seconds)

July 19 1588
The Spanish Armada was spotted off the coast of England.  From here on the English fleet would do little damage to the armada, but would succeed in causing the armada to miss crucial tides and currents preventing them from linking up with the invasion force of the Duke of Parma in Calais.

July 21 1588
The English ships begin harassing the Spanish with canon fire outside of the Spanish ships range.

July 27 1588
The Spanish Armada anchors off the coast of Calais waiting for the 30k man invasion army.  The invasion force was on land and the area they were linking up had no port.  The invasion force would have to row boat out to the armada without getting destroyed by the English or the Dutch.  Horrible plan...
The invasion force isnt ready and the armada must wait for them while the English harass them and they fear fire ships are coming, that night the English sent fire ships into the armada forcing the armada to cut their anchors and scattered.  The lack of anchors would prove a deadly mistake later on(Note all the shipwrecks on the NE side of England/ Ireland in the image above.  Some sailors shipwrecked 3 times. Their original ship destroyed by shipwreck finding another ship of the armada it getting destroyed by shipwreck finding another then it getting destroyed by shipwreck and dying).

July 30 1588
The armada gets into battle order.  Until now they had just been moving a a snails pace(literally a few miles per hour) and all of the English fire had not destroyed a single Spanish ship.  The significance here is the Spanish have been delayed and cannot get in close enough due to currents and tides. The English have time in their side.

July 31 1588
The armada tries to link up with the invasion force.

Aug 12 1588
The armada decides to go around England and head back home they start heading north.

Sep 1588
Over the month Spain would lose 35-70 ships to shipwreck or scuttling from storms Notice, no ships were mentioned destroyed by the English.  The English were unable to damage the ships enough and would only capture 5.

Oct 1588
What ships made it around England would return to Spain. Spain would report 20,000 dead.

Dec 25 1588
6000 English sailors defending England died mostly of disease and starvation on their ships because the Queen failed to pay and supply them.  Only 100 died from the Spanish.

pope Sixtus v issues the Vulgate and states it is the only true translation of the Bible.  It isnt even close to the original.

Henry IV(Protestant) of France(largely Catholic) issued the Edict of Nantes giving Huguenots(Protestant) back their civil rights which had been taken away because they weren't Catholic. It also hoped to stop a situation like the Massacre of Vassy in 1562.

Mar 23 1603
Queen Elizabeth I dies and is succeeded by King James I.

June 24 1604
The "Treason of Priests" was set to kidnap King James I and hold him until he gave the Catholics the terms they wanted.

Nov 05 1605
The Gunpowder plot was discovered.  The plot was planned out by Jesuit priest Henry Garnet.

Jesuits develop a communist test bed called Jesuit Reductions.  The Jesuits used strong arm tactics and resource control to subdue the natives in modern day Paraguay.  The Jesuits invented Communism.  It wasnt Marx or Lenin. They just carried out the plans of the Jesuits in order to establish specific markers in history.

Henry IV is killed by a Jesuit named Ravelic.

King James Version(KJV) Bible is produced.

The Catholic church starts suppressing Galileo over his heliocentric ideas

Dutch Revolt
SA short version eh
Dan Snow Armada
Armada series 1 2 3
Histories Mysteries: The Spanish Armada
Elizabeths Pirates
History of Warfare: Armada
Elizabeth and Anglicanism
The Role of Indulgences in the Building of New Saint Peter 's Basilica (research paper)
Huguenots and the French Reformation

Sunday, March 29, 2020

The Lincoln Plots

Forget everything you think you know about Lincoln aka "Honest Abe".  He crafted his persona on the campaign trial and developed the honest hard working simple guy image with propaganda.  Lincoln understood the importance of image.  He was the most professionally photographed politician of his day because he wanted to control the images that were going around. Lincoln was a well off railroad lawyer.  He did, occasionally, take on pro bono work, but he worked for the richest companies in the US at the time the railroads.  Lincoln was also the president to usher in the era of a constantly growing federal government.
Was their really a reason to kill him after the war?
What led to his assassination?
What groups were involved?
Was it actually a conspiracy?
Lets look at the facts of this Historical Timeline...

Listen HERE

Samuel Morse(inventor of the telegraph) writes Foreign Conspiracies against the Liberties of the United States(read it free).  His book focused on anti-Catholic ideas. He wrote,
"Surely American Protestants, freemen, have discernment enough to discover beneath them the cloven foot of this subtle foreign heresy. They will see that Popery is now, what it has ever been, a system of the darkest political intrigue and despotism, cloaking itself to avoid attack under the sacred name of religion. They will be deeply impressed with the truth, that Popery is a political as well as a religious system; that in this respect it differs totally from all other sects, from all other forms of religion in the country."

The Order of the Star Spangled Banner (OSSB)was formed as a result of massive Catholic migration into the US. "They saw Catholics as dangerous, illegal voters under the control of the Pope in Rome."  The OSSB would spawn the American Party who were referred to as "Know Nothings" by Horace Greeley because when asked about the OSSB they would say they "knew nothing".   Catholic sentiment in the US goes back to the founding of Jamestown, and was codified as early as 1642 in the Virginia and Massachusetts colonies with laws excluding Catholic settlers.  The Catholic church was purging(not preventing them from offices, but actually killing people) all religions across Europe(and eventually globally in European territories) which it had been doing since the 1100's under various Inquisitions.  Protestants had emerged in the 1517s followed by the Jesuits in 1540 force their submission to papal authority.

Pinkerton meets with Edward Rucker in a Masonic lodge to start a private security agency

President Zachary Taylor dies(assassinated) from a intestinal issues(poison).  Fillmore takes over and immediately signs the Compromise of 1850.  Taylor was a hardliner for preservation of the Union.  In a conference with southern leaders Feb 1850 Taylor said,
"taken in rebellion against the Union, he would hang ... with less reluctance than he had hanged deserters and spies in Mexico."

 The "Golden Circle"

The Knights of the Golden Circle(KGC) was formed by George Bickley with the goal of establishing an economic empire around the Gulf of Mexico based on slavery.

Pinkerton creates the Pinkerton Private Detective Agency.  During the Civil War he would run the Union Intelligence Service  He will later originate the precursors to the  FBIs criminal record database and the Secret Service. Yes, the same one from "Red Dead Redemption 2"(rdr2).

Charles Chiniquy is sued by a wealthy Catholic layman.  He gets Abraham Lincoln
(an established railroad lawyer) to represent him and settles out of court.  When Chiniquy's case is settled, he tells Lincoln that he now fears for Lincolns life because Lincoln stood up to the Catholic church.

Pinkerton hires the first female private detective, Kate Warne.

Dred Scott case decision is handed down as "law of the land" by Catholic Chief Justice Taney.  Taney routinely lies in his decision in order to set forth a precedent that did not exist in the US that precedent is regurgitated today by the New York Times in their "1619 Project".  Yes, the same NYT that ignored the Holocaust in Germany under Hitler and lied about(even got a Pulitzer for it) the millions of murders in Russia under Stalin another Russia-gate

John Brown's Raid on Harper's Ferry.  Allegedly, Booth went to watch the execution of John Brown. 

Samuel Felton was concerned his Philadelphia, Wilmington  and Baltimore Railroad(P. W. B.) was targeted by southerners.  Destruction of the rail line would limit mobility for troops and supplies during a possible war or be a target for southern terrorism and more importantly his money.

Pinkerton uncovers a plot to assassinate Lincoln in Baltimore, MD(Catholic city) at the Calvert Station while looking for plots against the P.W.B. line.  Pinkerton's spies heard there would be a distraction then someone would sneak up and stab Lincoln.  The entire plot was based around a Catholic Italian hair dresser named Cipriano Ferrandini who was a member of the KGC.

Lincoln elected 16th President of US.  He won in a race against three pro-slavery candidates.

South Carolina becomes the first state to leave the Union.

Pinkerton intercepts Lincoln and tells him about the plot he uncovered. Pinkerton urged Lincoln to leave immediately to thwart the plan based on Lincolns published itinerary. Lincoln eventually agrees to cancel after hearing about the plot and the threat to blow up a railroad bridge his train was to use from another source.  

Pinkerton escorted Lincoln on a clandestine trip through Baltimore, MD from Pennsylvania to Washington DC because of a possible assassination attempt.  Warne accompanied the group for part of the journey to play the sister to a disguised Lincoln. She would break off from the group and keep an eye on Baltimore activity. Lincoln would later tell Chiniquy, who would include in his book "50 Years in the Church of Rome",
I am so glad to meet you again. . . . You see that your friends, the Jesuits, have not yet killed me. But they would have surely done it when I passed through their most devoted city, Baltimore, had I not passed by incognito a few hours before they expected me.

At the Lincoln inauguration Horace Greely says,
"I sat just behind him, expecting to hear its delivery arrested by the crack of a rifle aimed at his heart ; but it pleased God to post- pone the deed, though there was forty times the reason for shooting him in 1860 that there was in 1865, and at least forty times as many intent on killing him or having him killed. No shot was then fired, however ; for his hour had not yet come."

Lincoln is made aware of the KGC's efforts to divide the country in a letter.

Lincoln signs the Emancipation Proclamation shifting the historical narrative of the Civil War from "states rights" to the Trojan horse of "human rights".  Human rights sounds like a good thing, but it is used as a wedge for entities to take power throughout history.  In history, always pay close attention when an entity cites "human rights" as a justification for taking action against another entity, those rights are never upheld.   The proclamation keeps Britain out of the war(would have sided with the CSA), gives the Union 200k black soldiers over the course of the war and hurt the economic manpower of the Confederacy.

Confederates started experiencing severe shortages in manpower, material and food.

Union draft started. Serve, provide a substitute or pay $300.

300 KGC march on Reading, PA to free their leaders who were arrested two days before.

Battle of Gettysburg one of the proposed turning points of the Civil War. Im not here to argue that, but Gettysburg is a well known reference point for most people.

Draft Riots 120 people in New York die.

Gettysburg Address

Samuel Mudd(KGC) is introduced to Booth with a letter from the Confederate Secret Service out of Montreal, Canada

General Sherman
Sherman's March to the Sea.  General Sherman(Mason, raised Catholic) destroys everything for 300 miles in a 60 mile wide path. The definition of "total war".  Sherman refined his total war strategy during the Seminole War where he murdered women and children burned houses and crops while avoiding fighting warriors.

Sherman's March to the Sea

John Wilkes Booth(member of the Knights of the Golden Circle) and a group of men were going to kidnap Lincoln from Fords Theater and lower him down from the balcony with a rope then escape to Confederate territory where they would ransom Lincoln back to the Union in exchange for prisoner exchange that Grant had stopped.  The mission was approved by the Confederate Secret Service out of Canada.  The KGC had as one of its goals to kidnap Lincoln and ransom him.  Grant stopped the practice because he knew the North was more densely populated than the South and he could attrit the Confederacy's numbers by holding prisoners rather than exchanging them to fight again this was bad for the Confederacy and captured Union soldiers.

John Wilkes Booth

Booth and a group of men stage an ambush to kidnap Lincoln en-route to a play of "The River Runs Deep". Some say the ambush was to test the group and retrieve weapons that had been hidden by one of the conspirators and Booth would later need to kill Lincoln. Lincoln was scheduled to present a flag at the National Hotel that day and most likely wouldnt have been traveling through their ambush point.

Robert E. Lee surrenders to Grant at Appomattox Court House.

Booth, Herold and Powell attend Lincolns address.  At the speech, he supposedly tells Powell to shoot Lincoln right there(Powell was a soldier and the better shot).  Booth is reported to have said two phrases.  One being "thats the last speech he will ever make" seems too perfect and the other about blacks voting.  I dont think he said either, and the one about blacks voting has been debunked.

The Derringer used to shoot Lincoln

This was also the day Lincoln made the Secret Service.  But it wasnt for protection.  It was to investigate counterfeit currency. At this time 1/3 of all currency was counterfeit.  The secret service will start part-time presidential protection in 1894.  The secret service would not start full time presidential protection until 1902.   
Booth learned that morning Lincoln would be at Fords Theater that evening.  He called Powell, Herold and Atzerodt and revealed the new plan to kill
Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes Booth with a Derringer at Fords Theater.  Booth had planned to shoot Lincoln and stab Grant.  Grant ended up not attending the play.  While fleeing, Booth shouts to the crowd, "Sic Semper Tyranis!" and breaks his ankle.
Simultaneously, George Arzerodt was in a bar trying to get up the courage to kill Andrew Johnson.  He chickens out.
Lewis Powell and David Herold go to William Seward's house.  Powell forces his way in stabs Sewards son and slashes Seward with a knife and runs off.  Powell does not kill anyone. Seward will survive with a large scar on his face. Herold was a guide and will leave before Powell is done.
Booth was at the top of his career at the time.
The plan was to rendezvous at the Surratt house in order to get weapons and gear that was stashed before the plot.  Booth finds Herold there who travels with him to Samuel Mudd's(member of the Knights of the Golden Circle) house to fix his broken ankle.  Booth leaves his boot at Mudds house and once his ankle is fixed.  Booths boot had his initials in it and that leads to Mudds conviction.

John Surratt Jr flees to St Liboire, Canada where Father Charles Boucher helped him evade capture and later link up with Confederate agents Tucker and Lee who helped him travel to Britain where he stayed in another Catholic church. He would eventually end up serving in the Ninth Company of the Pontifical Zouaves(Papal guards).
Spangler, Arnold, Olaughlen, Powell and Marry Surratt are arrested. Powell and Mary were arrested together.  Powell had finally made his way to Mary's house while it was being searched by soldiers.

Atzerodt and Mudd are arrested at separate locations.  Reward proclamation for capture or information leading to capture of conspirators this would lead to the capture of the last remaining conspirator.

Booth and Herold were tracked to a barn in the country.  Herold surrendered to save himself.  Booth would die by a gunshot.

Davis dissolved the Confederate government. Davis planned to ultimately go to Texas to continue the fight in the "Golden Circle" around the Gulf of Mexico using slavery as a economic system.

Mary Surratt becomes the first woman to be given the death penalty by the federal government(Yay, for equality!).  A movie was made about her trial "The Conspirator"  Mary, Lewis Powell, David Herold and George Atzerodt were all executed by hanging.  Michael OLaughlen, Samuel Mudd, Samuel Arnold and Edmund Spangler were given prison sentences.

Lewis Powell(actual photo)
Slavery was abolished when the 13th Amendment was ratified.

Pope Pius iX sends Jefferson Davis in prison at Fortress Monroe a picture of himself with a hand written note on it.  The pope was the only European power to recognize the Confederate States.
"Venite ad me omnes qui laboratis, et ego reficiam vos, dicit Dominus."
John Surratt Jr tells a childhood acquaintance named Shuey also serving as a Papal Zouave that he is there because he was a part of an assassination attempt on Lincoln.  Shuey tells the existing ambassador named Rufus King.

Surratt was arrested and then conveniently escaped Papal authorities.

John Surratt Jr(confirmed Confederate spy) stood trial after being caught by King in Egypt while fleeing.  He was not convicted, and he was eventually released.  He was willing to fight in an ongoing war for the pope, but not for the Confederacy.

US Congress voted to cut diplomatic ties with the Papal States.  Mexico severed ties with the Papal States as well.

The Papal States had its land removed and it was no longer recognized as a state, yet the pope continued on. Italy was reunified and the Papal States were dissolved by the Italian government.

John Surratt Jr admitted to his involvement in the kidnapping plot of Lincoln

two fascists

Vatican City is created under the Lateran Treaty after 59 years by Mussolini along with a large reparation payment.

Diplomatic ties remained severed officially until 1984(117 YEARS!), but unofficially they would be restored through "back channels"(the phrase came up a lot in the 2019 Trump impeachment inquiry).  Complete separation resumed between 1951 and 1968.

The Berlin wall falls and it is attributed to pope John Paul ii by Bill Clinton.

The change in the century would bring light to a systemic abuse of children and an effort to cover it up by the Vatican.

Vatican diplomat recalled to the Vatican from the US for "possible" child porn possession.  The Vatican, under pope Francis, refused to waive diplomatic immunity.  The Canadians want him as well.

Priest makes a Mincraft server for kids...

An Iranian Ayatollah appeals to the the pope to get US sanctions lifted amid the Covid-19 pandemic.

Lincoln: American Mastermind
"The Hour of Peril"
Edward Steers Jr "Blood on the Moon"
Kill Jeff Davis part 2
American Brutus
Knights of the Golden Circle (7.5min)
Major dates
Court case over the reward for John Surratt

Sunday, February 2, 2020

The Evolution of Evolution and Origin of Everything

While Darwin's Theory covers evolution it has undergone a pretty extensive evolution itself.  Other supporting ideas have been added to prop his concept up.  His ideas are slight tweaks on ancient Greek teachings by Aristotle, Anaximander, Pliny, ect.  A theory is subject to being disproven, but when evolution hits a roadblock it just expands the timeline.  A complete look at a Historical Timeline can show us how the theory changed over time to become what it is today. In fact, Darwin's Theory is what helps scientists determine the age of the Earth while Darwin's theory(today's version) points to the age of the Earth as a piece of evidence supporting it.  It is called circular reasoning. The most important thing you need to understand is the origin of the Earth and Evolution are not science.  By their own admission it is impossible to observe them.  These ideas are a belief system no different from a religious belief in a deity creating things.  What really has to make you scratch your head is when a religious head tells its scientists what science it will pursue.
And to tell the truth, rather than speaking about the theory of evolution, it is more accurate to speak of the theories of evolution. The use of the plural is required here—in part because of the diversity of explanations regarding the mechanism of evolution, and in part because of the diversity of philosophies involved. -Pope John Paul ii 

Just in case you dont remember what the theories stated, watch these short videos.


Big Bang Theory:

The theories most likely go back further(Babylon), but we will start here.

Listen HERE

600* BC
Anaximander proposes that early humans used to look like other animals, and humans came from fish(this concept is still USED TODAY!) video above

300* BC
Aristotle develops Spontaneous Generation (beginning of universe from nothing) and Scala Naturae

200* BC
Epicurus develops his idea that the Universe began by chance. Sounds similar to the "Big Bang"

Oct 05-15 1582
 Pope Gregory changes the calendar system in October to more closely mirror the sun from the Julian(Julius Caesar) to the Gregorian to realign Easter(based on the pagan Ishtar festival and always on a Sunday) with the spring equinox(solar event) and separate it from the Jewish Passover(which moves and is based on lunar cycles)

(Sep.02 overnight switched to Sep.14) England and the New World(Future US) colonies switched over to the Gregorian calendar. This year the English switched their new year from March 25(Lady Day) to Jan. 1.

 Lamarck develops the "Use and Disuse" and "Lamarkian Inheritance"

 Charles Lyell uses the term "missing link" in "Elements of Geology".  He also developed the concept of a slowly changing Earth.  He is later buried in Westminster Abbey.

 Darwin's theory in "On the Origin of Species" is built on five principles evolution(Aristotle), common descent(Anaximander), gradual evolution, speciation and natural selection. Claims the Earth is 300m years old. Darwin writes a book called "ORIGIN of Species" and doesnt mention the ORIGIN...

Darwins tree of life sketch from 1837

Spontaneous Generation is disproved by Pasteur and Tyndall

William Thomson(aka "Lord Kelvin" the guy from the Kelvin temperature scale) claims the Earth is 20m-400m years old. 

Thomson revised his theory of Earth to 100m years old

 Ernst Haeckel creates "Haeckels Evolution of Man" in Germany. He illustrates the "Pedigree of Man" and inserts "missing links" to make the concept work. He also developed the debunked idea of the embryos that was used in text books editions as late as 2003, and if you know anything about text books they get used for quite a while. Video at top still using this idea

debunked but still used

These fakes used up through 2003

Weismann disproves Lamarck's theories

Java man(currently Homo Erectus) discovered by Eugene Dubois when he found two bones in two different locations while on a mission to find the "missing link".

John Perry(assistant to Thomson) claimed the Earth was 2-3b years old

Thomson recalculates(using actual math) and says the earth is 20m-40m years old

Piltdown Man discovered with a Jesuit Priest on the team when they find two partial bones.

Piltdown Man sketch from 2 bones

Einstein publishes his theory of general relativity

Haeckel's theory is proven false and entirely made up because there are no "missing links"

Nebraska man derived from one tooth found

Henery Russel said the Earth is 2b-8b years old(using radioactive isotopes)

Georges Lemaitre becomes a priest of the Jesuit order

Lemaitre publishes on the expansion of the universe(The Big Bang Theory). The Hubble constant is later built on his work. Einstein rejected the theory.

Nebraska Man confirmed to be false.

Peking Man found in China based on a few teeth and skull fragments in a cave.

The Big Bang Theory was published in Popular Science

Lemaitre published a more detailed and refined version of this theory

Peking Man site abandoned due to Japanese invasion.  Would be restarted after WW2

The "extinct for 66 MILLION YEARS" Coelacnath is discovered...alive. Was also found in 2007.

Peking Man bones shipped to US but they were lost in transit(pre tracking numbers and Amazon)

"the big bang" coined on BBC radio by Fred Hoyle.

H E Suess claims the Earth is 4b-5b years old(using radioactive isotopes)

Pope Pius Xii said the BBT validated Catholicism in Humani Generis

Watson and Crick discover DNA

Piltdown Man was found to be a forgery from a human skull and ape jaw

Einstein dies

Crick develops the "Sequence Hypothesis"

Ramapithecus thought to be human ancestor. It is just an orangutan.

Lemaitre dies

Harry Whittington discovers the full impact of the "Cambrian explosion"

Lucy found by Donald Johanson from "several hundred bone piece fossils making up 40% of a skeleton". They can tell you about what Lucy ate, and where Lucy lived all from the fossilized bone fragments below!

UNESCO named Peking Man site world heritage site

Pope John Paul ii told the Pontifical Academy "New knowledge has led to the recognition of the theory of evolution as more than hypothesis."

New dig starts at Peking Man site. No complete skeletons found at site in over 100 years of digging.

"Charles Darwin's 'tree of life', which shows how species are related through evolutionary history, is wrong and needs to be replaced, according to leading scientists."
"We have no evidence at all that the tree of life is a reality,' Eric Bapteste"

A new island forms before our eyes(5min Nasa video) and it didnt take millions of years.  It didnt even take one.  It isnt the only island to have formed in modern history.
Jan 01 2020
Zero "missing links" for any species have been found to date. The Earth is estimated to be 4.5b years old.

Feb 04 2020
Oldest wooden structure ever discovered.  I wonder what it would carbon date to?

First human ancestor...

Mar 23 2020
Worm like creature first ancestor on human family tree  #thisiscnn  Still no missing link.

Apr 01 2020
"Lucy baby" was most likely a monkey...imagine that.

Other Useful Sources:
Random Evolution facts
Math disproves Evolution
Lucy's fall from science
7 Scientific Reasons why Darwinian Evolution is a Myth

Saturday, February 1, 2020

"Covid-19" Pandemic Timeline of events

**This is a work in progress, but the information is extremely valuable. It will be updated as needed until the virus passes.

Novel CoronaVirus(CoVid-19) (aka Kung Flu) where did it come from? Is it natural or man made?  Doesnt matter. This strain is key.  If it was made in a lab then it can be tracked, but who has the ability to tell us? Would they? China has a horrible track record of transparency.(SARS, Swine Flu, Bird Flu, heck they killed off 300 MILLION pigs because they didnt take proper viral control measures for African swine flu. And China loves <3 pork. China consumes HALF of the global pork supply.)

Lab in Wuhan is linked to Chinese Bio weapon program. "one of eight biological warfare research facilities covered by the Biological Weapons Convention"

Nov 16 2002
First case of SARS reported in Yunnan province

Feb 2003
WHO warned of SARS outbreak. SARS will continue to spread thru May 2004 mainly being moved around by hospital staff and SARS researchers

China starts work on a P4 lab in Wuhan.  Completed in 2014.  Operational in 2019 with help from France.

July 13 2003
The TV show The Dead Zone airs an episode(S2 E14) about a mysterious virus from China, originating in animals, spread through the air, involving a lock down and using Chloroquine(he uses his psychic powers to figure it out) as a treatment.

China takes over ALL production of aspirin, vitamin C and penicillin. By 2019 China will have over 80%  of all pharmaceutical production of products used in the US.
Michel Barnier signs off on the Wuhan virus lab after French intel warns that the lab is susceptible to leakage

Apr 12 2004
CDC applies for the SARS human corona virus patent Approved in 2007. Expired on 1/31/2020

Aug 22 2005
NIH publishes a study on the effectiveness of Chloroquine against Sars-cov-1.

Mar 15 2007
New York Task Force on Life and Law released its finding specifically on ventilators in the event of a pandemic.  The study showed that New York would need 15,783(page 30 Table 1)  Because of Certificate of Need(CON) laws, New York state must approve all hospital beds and equipment in hospitals.

Pfizer opens R&D hub in Wuhan and 2 other Chinese cities. 

Jan 11 2010
Google.org begins funding research to study bat viruses to include SARS and Corona.  

Mar 23 2010
Obamacare is signed into law.  The law will make small hospitals and physician owned practices nearly obsolete with suffocating regulation.  Over the next decade small practices will be bought up or go out of business limiting hospital beds all over the country.

Sep 09 2011
Contagion released with a similar transmission path as Covid 

Oct 09 2012
Fauci authors a short paper in the American Society of Microbiology defending "risky" "gain of function" research into H5N1 where he says, "the benefits of such experiments and the resulting knowledge outweigh the risks."  

Oct 30 2013
Nature.com releases a study about the next SARS outbreak possibly coming from bats.

Hunter Bidens RSTP company works with Metabiota which was working with EcoHealth Alliance(Daszak) which was working with the USAIDs  "PREDICT Project" to "predict and prevent global emerging disease threats" this involved the Wuhan lab and the Chinese "bat lady".  Rmember they are working with dangerous bat viruses  and receiving funding(from the US government and Fauci via Daszak) and they wont have a P4 lab until 2019.  

Apr 11 2014
MERS outbreak in Saudi Arabia.  MERS emerged in Saudi Arabia in 2012.

Oct 2014
Obama administration stops all "gain of function" research AND FUNDING by the NIH.

Chinese public health officials and scientists release "The Unnatural Origin of SARS and New Species of Man-Made Viruses as Genetic Bioweapons" where they talk about "the weaponization of SARS coronavirus" that could "artificially manipulated into an emerging human ­disease virus, then weaponized and unleashed in a way never seen before" 

Apr 03 2015
Bill Gates on a viral outbreak similar to the "Spanish" Flu.
He predicted a loss of $3T! Covid might be more than that already...
He sticks to the 10m dead number here and later.

July 23 2015
Coronavirus(IBV) is patented for use as a vaccine by Pirbright Institute

Jan 19 2016
The Division: Agent Origins is released by UbiSoft for their game The Division.  The game centers around a respiratory based terror attack that ravages NYC.  In that world they actually go into immediate lock down and spare the rest of the country.

Lead up to the game.  Eerily similar to what is happening early 2020(its just interesting as a gamer)

Agent Origins

Aug 2017
Wuhan Institute of Virology(WIV) edits bat DNA with CRISPR 

Dec 19 2017
NIH lifts ban on "gain of function" research AND FUNDING experiments involving influenza, MERS and SARS without notifying the White House or President Trump. 

Mar 06 2018
Ubisoft releases a limited time game mode in Rainbow Six: Siege called "Outbreak" with a "pandemic" level of difficulty.  The gameplay is focused on an alien based virus.

Nov 26 2018
Chinese scientist uses CRISPR to genetically modifies babies DNA to be HIV proof.

Mar 2019
Wuhan Institute of Virology puts out a report on the possibility of bat coronavirus jumping to humans

Nov 6 2019
Bill Gates and World Economic Forum fund Event 201 at John Hopkins University with  Dr Toner

Nov 17 2019
Earliest know case is found.(as of 3/2020) It flew under the radar written off as pneumonia.  The CCP suppressed and destroyed data until after the US trade deal.

Dec 7-ish 2019
Of the first 3 identified cases the earliest known sickness symptoms were 12/20/2019(as of 2/2020).  The "Wuhan virus" is said to have a 2 week incubation period putting it in the first week of Dec.

Image released by @pdchina of  2019-nCov

Dec 18 2019
Covid traces found in Italian sewage in a retroactive analysis

Dec 30 2019
Harvard professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology and 2 Chinese nationals arrested for spying and stealing cancer research.
"He was being paid $50,000 per month by the Chinese university and given $1.5 million to establish a nanoscience research lab at Wuhan University of Technology, the complaint said." and "a contract he had with a Chinese talent recruitment plan to attract high-level scientists to the country."
Head of Wuhan Lab claims they "didnt even know it[covid] existed" until this day.  CCP officials take samples of Wuhan "wet market"(which it would not share and later destroy).

Dec 31 2019
Taiwan tells the WHO that their doctors are catching the covid-19 which means that person to person transmission is possible. The WHO ignored the report.

Jan 2020
China buys over 80 tons of medical supplies through real estate agencies and flys them out of Australia on private planes while claiming the virus was under control.

Jan 03 2020
Chinas National Health Commission orders the destruction of covid samples

Jan 11 2020
CCP releases covid genome after another lab does.  Meanwhile, the WHO is actively covering up for the CCP.

Jan 14 2020
WHO declared Covid-19 a global health emergency and said "Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China,"
Leak reports that CCP knew about virus potential on this day.  It waits to mention it until Jan 20(below)

Jan 15 2020
Trump signs China Trade Deal Phase One - The CCP knew there was an outbreak in China. They knew it was person to person transmitted, and it could live on surfaces for a short period of time. Initially, these two facts were denied by China.

Jan 20 2020
China admits Covid-19 transmits person to person. 

Jan 22 2020
Bill Gates on an imaginary epidemic at CEPI which "aims to derail epidemics by speeding up the development of vaccines".  He mentions the 10m dead again.

Jan 23 2020
China begins quarantining Wuhan...the whole city.  They start breaking up roads and closing bridges.

thermal scanner at Wuhan quarantine checkpoint

Incheon International Airport checkpoint
Jan 26 2020
China attempts treatment with HIV drugs made by AbbVie Inc(Current stock price ABBV $85)
Gilead Inc.(Currrent stock price GILD $63) is also promoting a drug called Remdisiver Why did China attempt to use HIV drugs? What did they know? Did they create Covid-19 NOT AS A WEAPON, BUT to try and make a HIV vaccine?
Dr Cottrell discovers the "Wuhan virus" may have been modified to contain multiple bat SARS strains (video was removed by YouTube even though he was most likely correct)
Dr Fauci tells us the virus is nothing to worry about.(audio from a podcast)

Jan 27 2020
India researchers look at possible similar homogeny with HIV(research is later taken down). Notice this took place AFTER China announced using the HIV drugs.

Jan 28 2020
Australia recreates 2019-nCoV first outside China

Jan 29 2020
Thailand is a popular travel spot during this time of year.

Jan 30 2020
Thailand cant contain the "Wuhan virus"

Jan 31 2020
Italy declares state of emergency for 6 months to combat 2019-nCoV
Media begins PR defending Wuhan lab It definitely didnt come from the P4 lab, "But the jury is still out on what the real origins of this are."
Trump restricts travel from China begins quarantining people

Feb 1 2020
This social media clown claims to be a doctor working on Covid-19  Notice the wrong type of masks this "doctor" is wearing.
Fauci receives an email from a fellow scientist, K Andersen, mentioning the virus was "inconsistent with expectations from evolutionary theory" and "some features look engineered".  

Feb 2 2020
China has a bird flu outbreak (H5N1)

Feb 3 2020
Brazil declares state of emergency for 2019-nCoV
WHO says restricting international travel is not necessary and there is "no reason" for it (Look below)
China blames US for spreading fear about 2019-nCoV.

Feb 4 2020
China quarantines 4 more cities with 21m MORE people in them
WHO says Covid-19 is NOT a "pandemic". Its an "epidemic" in multiple places across the world and a "pandemic"  is a worldwide spread of disease.  Thanks for clearing that up...
WHO blames other countries for not sharing data 
Curtis Ellis links Covid-19 as an out for Phase 1 China deal (start at 10:17) mentions wording in 7.6.2(page 81)

Feb 05 2020
Fauci says in an email(obtained via FOIA request) to S. Burwell and tells her that masks do not prevent healthy people from getting infection. Masks are for symptomatic people to wear to prevent spreading the virus through droplets in the air. 

Feb 8 2020
China pollution link to virus lethality in China versus lethality outside of China?

Feb 14 2020
North Korea executes a violator of the quarantine by firing squad

Feb 15 2020
Biologist are going to sequence Covid-19 from scratch in North Carolina.
First Covid-19 death in Europe

Feb 17 2020
Will covid-19 break China's piggy bank?

Feb 18 2020
Critical medical products, drugs and devices at risk due to China shutdown

Feb 19 2020
160 are released after a 14 day federal quarantine triggered by potential covid-19 exposure while returning to the US.
2 die in Iran as covid-19 spreads in the country
Covid-19 more contagious than SARS and MERS
China destroys cash to stop covid-19 spread

Feb 20 2020
Russia blocks all Chinese visitors amid covid-19 worries

Feb 21 2020
Italy begins locking down people as the virus spreads

Feb 22 2020
Animals die possibly from massive disinfecting campaign in China

Feb 24 2020
WHO is still not admitting that COVID-19 is a pandemic, but says we should be ready for it to be one
While China fights the virus, Locust mega-swarms in East Africa and Pakistan are set to impact global food supplies.  The virus could affect China's spring planting.
China's air pollution is clearing due to the shutdown.
Chelsea Clinton thinks people care what she says.

Feb 25 2020
China cracks down on the eating of wild animals
Iran has the 2nd highest death toll

Feb 26 2020
Trump Press Conference

Feb 27 2020
China offers to pay people to self report symptoms.
Guy on a bike talking about Covid-19

Feb 28 2020
WHO says Covid-19 is a "very high" global risk, but definitely not a pandemic.
Iran restricts access to religious sites
Saudi Arabia restricts access to religious sites

Mar 2020
Fauci briefs the WHO World Health Assembly in Europe that COVID-19 could have originated in a lab in China

Mar 04 2020
Saudi Arabia bans the pilgrimage to Mecca.
Iran releases 54,000 prisoners because of the virus.
Turkey conducts diplomacy with Iran via Skype due to virus.
Traces of covid are found in Spanish sewage in a retroactive analysis

Mar 07 2020
Italy locks down the northern portion of the country.
Canada gives China over $800k cad with part of it going to Wuhan Institute of Virology and CRISPR research

Mar 08 2020
Fauci advises AGAINST wearing masks saying, "Right now people shouldnt be walking around in masks" on the 60 Minutes TV show

Mar 09 2020
Italy is under a complete lock down after a northern lock down is leaked.

Mar 11 2020
**WHO CALLS COVID-19 A PANDEMIC** The WHO is a disgrace.
Trump restricts EU travel as the virus spreads.
China quarantines visitors from ALL countries.
India goes "full retard".
Adam Gartner tells Fauci in an email how to allegedly make the COVID-19 virus in a lab.  

Mar 12 2020
China accuses the US of creating and releasing Covid-19.

Mar 13 2020
JP Morgan forecasts a pandemic driven recession.

Mar 14 2020
People are posting videos and challenging others to lick toilet seats.

Mar 15 2020
The Pentagon restricts all DoD domestic travel(impacts military vacations that align with dependents spring breaks ultimately impacting tourism industry)
Spain complete lock down
Facebook head Zuckerberg offers Fauci "resources(Facebook censorship) and money"  to get out the "right(censorship and promotion on Facebook) public messages" out.  
BioNTech and Fosun Pharma(Chinese) partner to research vaccines for Covid and to share sales in China. 

Mar 16 2020
France is under a complete lock down for at least 2 weeks.
Canada is under a complete lock down.

Mar 17 2020
Dow drops 3,000 points showing the weakness of the current monetary system.

Mar 16 2020
US News finally figures out pollution affects a respiratory disease(Covid-19)XcerptShow.com figured it out in Jan.

Mar 19 2020
Hydroxychloroquine is used to save people with COVID-19 Hydroxychloroquine is used for malaria and other autoimmune diseases and is widely available.
Italy passes China in deaths(according to released data. The CCP hasnt been truthful about their data.)
Belgium is under a complete lock down.

Mar 20 2020
Global death toll reaches 10k
Swiss ban groups of 5 or more
All the CCP moves used to stabilize their economy

Mar 21 2020
1 billion people are on lock down
Jodan complete lock down

Mar 22 2020
Mexico has Covid comic "Susana Distancia"

Mar 23 2020
IMF says economic fallout for globe worse than 2008
UK under a complete lock down

Mar 24 2020
Louisiana declared federal disaster area
India complete lock down
2020 Olympics delayed until 2021
Congregation for the doctrine of faith(aka "Inquisition" ran by Jesuits) remains open as essential
WHO proves it is useless once again
Spain hits 3k dead.

Mar 25 2020
Idaho complete lock down
Colorado complete lock down
Congress passes $2-6 TRILLION bill to address Covid-19
Canada unveils $2000 per month aid 
A third of the GLOBAL population is on lockdown.
FBI kills a false flag bombing suspect
Chinese test kits sent all over the globe are faulty by 80%
Food shortages are becoming a concern.

Mar 26 2020
Iran complete lock down

Mar 27 2020
Bailout could ruin economy

Mar 26 2020
Global death toll reaches +20k
New Hampshire complete lock down
Mexicans tell Americans to keep out

Mar 29 2020
Nigeria complete lock down

Mar 30 2020
Russia complete lock down

Mar 31 2020
NIH is talking about(in emails) multiple studies showing how ineffective masks are at preventing the virus.  
Global death toll reaches 40k
Millennials show they are the final generation

Apr 01 2020
CDC advises everyone to wear masks. 
Philippines Duterte orders police & military to SHOOT Covid-19 quarantine violators
US Intel says China is lying...half a year later
China fears 2nd wave. 
FBI missed this terrorist that actually did something
Georgia complete lock down
Florida complete lock down
US Department of State recognizes the lab leak origin as most probable in a secret internal memo

Stuck at home during a lock down?  Watch "Lock Out"!  4/5 stars action movie from 2012.

Apr 09 2020
Pfizer partners with BioNTech to develop the Cov19 vaccine

Apr 10 2020
Global death toll hits 100k
How are COVID deaths being coded? Why are the numbers so high?

Apr 12 2020
WHO admits covid will "stalk the human race for a long time to come"  Look forward to immunization tracking tech,  ID2020 

Apr 15 2020
Global death toll 130k

Apr 17 2020
Global death toll 150k

May 2020
Fauci admits masks arent that useful. 
Fauci tell NatGeo that there is no "evidence" of lab leak .  **Look at how legalistic he talks to create a untrue narrative...

May 13 2020
Sweden says face masks are "false sense of security"

May 14 2020
Global death toll hits 300k

May 25 2020
WHO suspends trials involving HCQ.  They claim it is dangerous and does not work.

Jun 4 2020
Covid lockdown created a massive wealth transfer

Jun 7 2020
Global death toll hits 400k

Jun 9 2020
WHO clarifies asymptomatic transmission is "rare" and not "very rare"   So it is a magenta item in an RPG?

Jun 23 2020
Fauci admits he lied about not needing to wear masks at the beginning of the Pandemic and that masks do little to prevent reception of the virus. 

Jun 28 2020
Global death toll hits 500k

July 10 2020
WHO finally sends a team to investigate virus origins in China.

July 19 2020
Global death toll hits 600k

July 26 2020
"Americas Frontline Doctors" forms and appeals to the White House to utilize HCQ.

Aug 03 2020
Dutch Scientist say face coverings provide "no benefit and there may even be a negative impact."

Jan 05 2021
Fauci tells people it might be useful to wear 2 masks.  It "just makes common sense"...
Pfizer hires 600 people with an end goal of 1800 by June to account for all the adverse reactions to the shot. 

June 2021
BioNTech completes a tech transfer to Fosun Pharma

April 2022
BioNTech and Matinas Bio Pharma make research deal for vaccine delivery.  Matinas works on "vaccines, and gene editing technologies."

Other sources:
Infection map
Who is Peng Zhou?
People passing out in the streets
China Rising