Lets address the "Last Crusade" part. You wont see this listed in a normal list of crusades, BUT it was a crusade because Queen Elizabeth I was excommunicated(Sixtus even renewed it just in case) and King Philip II was given the rights to issue crusade taxes and pope Sixtus v was offering a million crowns if Philip II landed the invasion force on England.
The Spanish Armada is a period in history that is taught in most schools, but with very little explanation other than a shifting of sea power from Spain to England. If we look at the lead up to it and the impetus behind it we will see that there was a more sinister force and motive for its creation.
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Gutenberg developed the movable type printing press. It didn't catch on quickly because it was suppressed by the Catholic church. As the press pushed out more books, including the Bible, Protestantism began to grow. Common people were able to read and figure out things for themselves and not what was told to them by priests.
The Papal Schism ends. The church goes from a max of 3 popes to only one. It started because they elected a douche pope and decided they didn't want him so they elected another, but the first didn't step down.
This is also the time period popes began using the title "Pontifex Maximus". The title came from the king of Pergamon(Satan's throne) via Julius Caesar.
Joan of Arc hears voices and helps the French turn the tide of the 100 Years War.
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Joan of Arc |
Joan of Arc was offered for ransom(common event). France passes(She wasnt that important). So then she is offered to England(who she had been fighting). They pay the ransom and burn her at the stake because only a witch would hear voices.
Oct 19 1453
100 Years War ends(started 1337 between England and France both Catholic).
Oct 12 1492
Columbus discovers the "West Indies"
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Treaty of Tordesillas map |
June 07 1494
Treaty of Tordesillas was created to divide the new world between Spain and Portugal to clear up the previous Treaty of Alcacovas(1479) dividing up the globe and based on the popes authority over the world.
Sep 04 1517
Martin Luther posts 97 theses "Disputation against Scholastic Theology"
Oct 31 1517
Martin Luther posts the 95 theses "Disputation of Martin Luther on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences" leading off with the phrase, "Out of love for the truth...". These were a problem because powerful people(Albert of Mainz and pope Leo x) were using indulgences to enrich themselves. Posting the theses wasnt the problem attacking indulgences(revenue stream) was. What does the Bible say about the love of money?
Twitter Indulgences
Apr 22 1529
Treaty of Zaragoza to further divide the world between Spain and Portugal.
Henry VIII of England issued the "Statute in Restraint of Appeals" which signals the religious break of England from the Catholic church. Henry would later have two daughters, Mary(Catholic) and Elizabeth I(Protestant), who would rule and religion would be prominent in their rule.
Sep 27 1540
Ignatius of Loyola(pedophile - He tried to hook up with an 11 year old Catherine of Austria, the sister of his buddy Charles V, in 1518. He fails and turns celibate.) starts the "Society of Jesus" or the "Jesuits" after being injured by a cannonball in 1521. His injury and a vision lead him to start the Catholic order.
July 25 1554
King Philip II(Catholic) becomes King of England solely thru marriage when he marries Queen Mary(Catholic).
Nov 17 1558
Queen Mary(aka Bloody Mary because she burned Protestants at the stake) dies and Philip II loses his access to the crown of England. Queen Elizabeth I(Protestant) takes over and begins converting England to Protestantism. Philip II will propose to Elizabeth I. She will decline his offer.
The Eighty Years War(1648) breaks out. This would also make the Dutch another antagonist at sea to help topple Spain and Portugal's dominance.
John Hawkins built the first of the English race-built galleons(Foresight).
Feb 25 1570
The pope Sixtus v excommunicates Queen Elizabeth I with "Regnans in Excelsis" so King Philip II can attack her and allow her Catholic subjects to take part in assassination attempts against her.
June 02 1571
"Ridolfi Plot" The pope pushes Philip II to take out Elizabeth I and he supports a plan to assassinate her and place the Duke of Norfolk and Mary Queen of Scots in her place. It is called the "Ridolfi Plot" after the conspiracies designer Roberto di Ridolfi. Using Catholic bishop John Lesley to convince the parties involved to agree to the conspiracy. The conspiracy fails and the Duke of Norfolk is executed. The pope enjoys using others to do his bidding.
Aug 22 1572
Gaspard II de Coligny(prominent Huguenot) was shot twice in the street and would be killed 2 days later during the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre.
Aug 23-24 1572
St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre Catholics murder Huguenots throughout the city when the Catholic citizens were armed(in fear of retaliation for Coligny *see above) and the city gates were closed so the Huguenots could not escape once the killing started.
Pope Gregory xiii commissioned paintings and medals to commemorate the event. He claimed it was "divine retribution".
Sep 26 1580
Sir Francis Drake(England) completes his voyage circumnavigating the globe after raiding Spanish gold ships along the coast of South America.
Mar 18 1582
Catholic Juan de Jauaregi attempts to assassinate William of Orange by shooting him in the head. The bullet went under his right ear and out his left jaw. William recovered, but was unable to speak after and became known as William the Silent.
Jauaregi was convinced by Catholic Gaspar de Anastro that he was protected by magical and religious trinkets he carried and would turn invisible after he shot William. Jauaregi did not turn invisible and was killed.
Oct 15 1582
All Catholic countries adopt the Gregorian calendar that we use today. The days are shifted 10 days ahead.
John Somerville was discovered to be plotting to kill Queen Elizabeth I. He hanged himself in prison before he could be executed.
July 10 1584
Catholic Jesuit Balthasar Gérard assassinates William of Orange for being a traitor to the Catholic church.
Dec 31 1584
Treaty of Joinville was signed by Spain and the Catholic League. It committed Spain to financing the fight against Protestants. This is the same template the Vatican uses today. They have a world power fight for them and exhaust their capital while quietly pulling the strings from behind the veil like the Wizard of Oz.
Anglo-Spanish War(1604) starts
June 07 1585
Roanoke the first English colony in the New World is founded.
Aug 19 1585
Treaty of Nonsuch was signed between English and Dutch in response to the the Treaty of Joinville
July 07 1586
"Babington Plot" is attempted via coded letter where Catholic Mary Queen of Scots issues a command to kill Elizabeth I. Sir Francis Walsingham was instrumental in developing a counter spy network and using Thomas Phelippes to decode the message and use it against Mary leading to her execution. Walsingham was driven by preventing another St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre.
Apr 19 1587
Sir Francis Drake leads the Raid of Cadiz supported by Walsingham. Drake captures or destroys 130 ships. The extremely successful raid of the Spanish port pushes back the Spanish Armada by a year. When the Spanish Armada left a year later it would only have 130 ships.
Foxes Book of Martyrs became a best seller.
Feb 09 1588
Marquis of Santa Cruz dies and the 7th Duke of Medina Sidonia is appointed as the new admiral. He did not have any experience in the navy and did not want the position. The raid of Cadiz creates some logistical issues. Spain has to impress ships to fill the quota and they have to rush creation of cannon and impress as many cannon as they can find. The problem is back then there were multiple ways of measuring caliber. The Italian and Spanish both had differing gauges. We learn from shipwrecks many of the cannons had the wrong type of ammo onboard and a lot of the guns were never fired because they had defects and would have been explosive hazards.
May 28 1588
The Spanish Armada sets sail for England. Before leaving pope Sixtus v allowed Philip II to collect crusade taxes. Philip II, according to personal letters, was deluded in thinking he was doing Gods work by working for the pope.
Queen Elizabeth I recognizes the Catholic backing of the Spanish Armada (30 seconds)
July 19 1588
The Spanish Armada was spotted off the coast of England. From here on the English fleet would do little damage to the armada, but would succeed in causing the armada to miss crucial tides and currents preventing them from linking up with the invasion force of the Duke of Parma in Calais.
July 21 1588
The English ships begin harassing the Spanish with canon fire outside of the Spanish ships range.
July 27 1588
The Spanish Armada anchors off the coast of Calais waiting for the 30k man invasion army. The invasion force was on land and the area they were linking up had no port. The invasion force would have to row boat out to the armada without getting destroyed by the English or the Dutch. Horrible plan...
The invasion force isnt ready and the armada must wait for them while the English harass them and they fear fire ships are coming, that night the English sent fire ships into the armada forcing the armada to cut their anchors and scattered. The lack of anchors would prove a deadly mistake later on(Note all the shipwrecks on the NE side of England/ Ireland in the image above. Some sailors shipwrecked 3 times. Their original ship destroyed by shipwreck finding another ship of the armada it getting destroyed by shipwreck finding another then it getting destroyed by shipwreck and dying).
July 30 1588
The armada gets into battle order. Until now they had just been moving a a snails pace(literally a few miles per hour) and all of the English fire had not destroyed a single Spanish ship. The significance here is the Spanish have been delayed and cannot get in close enough due to currents and tides. The English have time in their side.
July 31 1588
The armada tries to link up with the invasion force.
Aug 12 1588
The armada decides to go around England and head back home they start heading north.
Sep 1588
Over the month Spain would lose 35-70 ships to shipwreck or scuttling from storms Notice, no ships were mentioned destroyed by the English. The English were unable to damage the ships enough and would only capture 5.
Oct 1588
What ships made it around England would return to Spain. Spain would report 20,000 dead.
Dec 25 1588
6000 English sailors defending England died mostly of disease and starvation on their ships because the Queen failed to pay and supply them. Only 100 died from the Spanish.
pope Sixtus v issues the Vulgate and states it is the only true translation of the Bible. It isnt even close to the original.
Henry IV(Protestant) of France(largely Catholic) issued the Edict of Nantes giving Huguenots(Protestant) back their civil rights which had been taken away because they weren't Catholic. It also hoped to stop a situation like the Massacre of Vassy in 1562.
Mar 23 1603
Queen Elizabeth I dies and is succeeded by King James I.
June 24 1604
The "Treason of Priests" was set to kidnap King James I and hold him until he gave the Catholics the terms they wanted.
Nov 05 1605
The Gunpowder plot was discovered. The plot was planned out by Jesuit priest Henry Garnet.
Jesuits develop a communist test bed called Jesuit Reductions. The Jesuits used strong arm tactics and resource control to subdue the natives in modern day Paraguay. The Jesuits invented Communism. It wasnt Marx or Lenin. They just carried out the plans of the Jesuits in order to establish specific markers in history.
Henry IV is killed by a Jesuit named Ravelic.
King James Version(KJV) Bible is produced.
The Catholic church starts suppressing Galileo over his heliocentric ideas
Dutch Revolt
SA short version eh
Dan Snow Armada
Armada series 1 2 3
Histories Mysteries: The Spanish Armada
Elizabeths Pirates
History of Warfare: Armada
Elizabeth and Anglicanism
The Role of Indulgences in the Building of New Saint Peter 's Basilica (research paper)
Huguenots and the French Reformation
Treaty of Tordesillas was created to divide the new world between Spain and Portugal to clear up the previous Treaty of Alcacovas(1479) dividing up the globe and based on the popes authority over the world.
Sep 04 1517
Martin Luther posts 97 theses "Disputation against Scholastic Theology"
Oct 31 1517
Martin Luther posts the 95 theses "Disputation of Martin Luther on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences" leading off with the phrase, "Out of love for the truth...". These were a problem because powerful people(Albert of Mainz and pope Leo x) were using indulgences to enrich themselves. Posting the theses wasnt the problem attacking indulgences(revenue stream) was. What does the Bible say about the love of money?
Twitter Indulgences
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Old St Peters Basilica |
St Peters Basilica today(2min vid)
Apr 22 1529
Treaty of Zaragoza to further divide the world between Spain and Portugal.
Henry VIII of England issued the "Statute in Restraint of Appeals" which signals the religious break of England from the Catholic church. Henry would later have two daughters, Mary(Catholic) and Elizabeth I(Protestant), who would rule and religion would be prominent in their rule.
Sep 27 1540
Ignatius of Loyola(pedophile - He tried to hook up with an 11 year old Catherine of Austria, the sister of his buddy Charles V, in 1518. He fails and turns celibate.) starts the "Society of Jesus" or the "Jesuits" after being injured by a cannonball in 1521. His injury and a vision lead him to start the Catholic order.
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Ignatius Loyola(pedophile) |
July 25 1554
King Philip II(Catholic) becomes King of England solely thru marriage when he marries Queen Mary(Catholic).
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Queen Mary |
Nov 17 1558
Queen Mary(aka Bloody Mary because she burned Protestants at the stake) dies and Philip II loses his access to the crown of England. Queen Elizabeth I(Protestant) takes over and begins converting England to Protestantism. Philip II will propose to Elizabeth I. She will decline his offer.
The Eighty Years War(1648) breaks out. This would also make the Dutch another antagonist at sea to help topple Spain and Portugal's dominance.
John Hawkins built the first of the English race-built galleons(Foresight).
Feb 25 1570
The pope Sixtus v excommunicates Queen Elizabeth I with "Regnans in Excelsis" so King Philip II can attack her and allow her Catholic subjects to take part in assassination attempts against her.
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Queen Elizabeth I |
June 02 1571
"Ridolfi Plot" The pope pushes Philip II to take out Elizabeth I and he supports a plan to assassinate her and place the Duke of Norfolk and Mary Queen of Scots in her place. It is called the "Ridolfi Plot" after the conspiracies designer Roberto di Ridolfi. Using Catholic bishop John Lesley to convince the parties involved to agree to the conspiracy. The conspiracy fails and the Duke of Norfolk is executed. The pope enjoys using others to do his bidding.
Aug 22 1572
Gaspard II de Coligny(prominent Huguenot) was shot twice in the street and would be killed 2 days later during the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre.
Aug 23-24 1572
St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre Catholics murder Huguenots throughout the city when the Catholic citizens were armed(in fear of retaliation for Coligny *see above) and the city gates were closed so the Huguenots could not escape once the killing started.
Pope Gregory xiii commissioned paintings and medals to commemorate the event. He claimed it was "divine retribution".
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St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre medals |
Sep 26 1580
Sir Francis Drake(England) completes his voyage circumnavigating the globe after raiding Spanish gold ships along the coast of South America.
Mar 18 1582
Catholic Juan de Jauaregi attempts to assassinate William of Orange by shooting him in the head. The bullet went under his right ear and out his left jaw. William recovered, but was unable to speak after and became known as William the Silent.
Jauaregi was convinced by Catholic Gaspar de Anastro that he was protected by magical and religious trinkets he carried and would turn invisible after he shot William. Jauaregi did not turn invisible and was killed.
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Jauaregi attempting to kill Will of O |
Oct 15 1582
All Catholic countries adopt the Gregorian calendar that we use today. The days are shifted 10 days ahead.
John Somerville was discovered to be plotting to kill Queen Elizabeth I. He hanged himself in prison before he could be executed.
July 10 1584
Catholic Jesuit Balthasar Gérard assassinates William of Orange for being a traitor to the Catholic church.
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Bullet holes from assassination |
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Reward letter from Philip II to Gerards family |
Dec 31 1584
Treaty of Joinville was signed by Spain and the Catholic League. It committed Spain to financing the fight against Protestants. This is the same template the Vatican uses today. They have a world power fight for them and exhaust their capital while quietly pulling the strings from behind the veil like the Wizard of Oz.
Anglo-Spanish War(1604) starts
June 07 1585
Roanoke the first English colony in the New World is founded.
Aug 19 1585
Treaty of Nonsuch was signed between English and Dutch in response to the the Treaty of Joinville
July 07 1586
"Babington Plot" is attempted via coded letter where Catholic Mary Queen of Scots issues a command to kill Elizabeth I. Sir Francis Walsingham was instrumental in developing a counter spy network and using Thomas Phelippes to decode the message and use it against Mary leading to her execution. Walsingham was driven by preventing another St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre.
Apr 19 1587
Sir Francis Drake leads the Raid of Cadiz supported by Walsingham. Drake captures or destroys 130 ships. The extremely successful raid of the Spanish port pushes back the Spanish Armada by a year. When the Spanish Armada left a year later it would only have 130 ships.
Foxes Book of Martyrs became a best seller.
Feb 09 1588
Marquis of Santa Cruz dies and the 7th Duke of Medina Sidonia is appointed as the new admiral. He did not have any experience in the navy and did not want the position. The raid of Cadiz creates some logistical issues. Spain has to impress ships to fill the quota and they have to rush creation of cannon and impress as many cannon as they can find. The problem is back then there were multiple ways of measuring caliber. The Italian and Spanish both had differing gauges. We learn from shipwrecks many of the cannons had the wrong type of ammo onboard and a lot of the guns were never fired because they had defects and would have been explosive hazards.
May 28 1588
The Spanish Armada sets sail for England. Before leaving pope Sixtus v allowed Philip II to collect crusade taxes. Philip II, according to personal letters, was deluded in thinking he was doing Gods work by working for the pope.
Queen Elizabeth I recognizes the Catholic backing of the Spanish Armada (30 seconds)
July 19 1588
The Spanish Armada was spotted off the coast of England. From here on the English fleet would do little damage to the armada, but would succeed in causing the armada to miss crucial tides and currents preventing them from linking up with the invasion force of the Duke of Parma in Calais.
July 21 1588
The English ships begin harassing the Spanish with canon fire outside of the Spanish ships range.
July 27 1588
The Spanish Armada anchors off the coast of Calais waiting for the 30k man invasion army. The invasion force was on land and the area they were linking up had no port. The invasion force would have to row boat out to the armada without getting destroyed by the English or the Dutch. Horrible plan...
The invasion force isnt ready and the armada must wait for them while the English harass them and they fear fire ships are coming, that night the English sent fire ships into the armada forcing the armada to cut their anchors and scattered. The lack of anchors would prove a deadly mistake later on(Note all the shipwrecks on the NE side of England/ Ireland in the image above. Some sailors shipwrecked 3 times. Their original ship destroyed by shipwreck finding another ship of the armada it getting destroyed by shipwreck finding another then it getting destroyed by shipwreck and dying).
July 30 1588
The armada gets into battle order. Until now they had just been moving a a snails pace(literally a few miles per hour) and all of the English fire had not destroyed a single Spanish ship. The significance here is the Spanish have been delayed and cannot get in close enough due to currents and tides. The English have time in their side.
July 31 1588
The armada tries to link up with the invasion force.
Aug 12 1588
The armada decides to go around England and head back home they start heading north.
Sep 1588
Over the month Spain would lose 35-70 ships to shipwreck or scuttling from storms Notice, no ships were mentioned destroyed by the English. The English were unable to damage the ships enough and would only capture 5.
Oct 1588
What ships made it around England would return to Spain. Spain would report 20,000 dead.
Dec 25 1588
6000 English sailors defending England died mostly of disease and starvation on their ships because the Queen failed to pay and supply them. Only 100 died from the Spanish.
pope Sixtus v issues the Vulgate and states it is the only true translation of the Bible. It isnt even close to the original.
Henry IV(Protestant) of France(largely Catholic) issued the Edict of Nantes giving Huguenots(Protestant) back their civil rights which had been taken away because they weren't Catholic. It also hoped to stop a situation like the Massacre of Vassy in 1562.
Mar 23 1603
Queen Elizabeth I dies and is succeeded by King James I.
June 24 1604
The "Treason of Priests" was set to kidnap King James I and hold him until he gave the Catholics the terms they wanted.
Nov 05 1605
The Gunpowder plot was discovered. The plot was planned out by Jesuit priest Henry Garnet.
Jesuits develop a communist test bed called Jesuit Reductions. The Jesuits used strong arm tactics and resource control to subdue the natives in modern day Paraguay. The Jesuits invented Communism. It wasnt Marx or Lenin. They just carried out the plans of the Jesuits in order to establish specific markers in history.
Henry IV is killed by a Jesuit named Ravelic.
King James Version(KJV) Bible is produced.
The Catholic church starts suppressing Galileo over his heliocentric ideas
Dutch Revolt
SA short version eh
Dan Snow Armada
Armada series 1 2 3
Histories Mysteries: The Spanish Armada
Elizabeths Pirates
History of Warfare: Armada
Elizabeth and Anglicanism
The Role of Indulgences in the Building of New Saint Peter 's Basilica (research paper)
Huguenots and the French Reformation
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