Was their really a reason to kill him after the war?
What led to his assassination?
What groups were involved?
Was it actually a conspiracy?
Lets look at the facts of this Historical Timeline...
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Samuel Morse(inventor of the telegraph) writes Foreign Conspiracies against the Liberties of the United States(read it free). His book focused on anti-Catholic ideas. He wrote,
"Surely American Protestants, freemen, have discernment enough to discover beneath them the cloven foot of this subtle foreign heresy. They will see that Popery is now, what it has ever been, a system of the darkest political intrigue and despotism, cloaking itself to avoid attack under the sacred name of religion. They will be deeply impressed with the truth, that Popery is a political as well as a religious system; that in this respect it differs totally from all other sects, from all other forms of religion in the country."
The Order of the Star Spangled Banner (OSSB)was formed as a result of massive Catholic migration into the US. "They saw Catholics as dangerous, illegal voters under the control of the Pope in Rome." The OSSB would spawn the American Party who were referred to as "Know Nothings" by Horace Greeley because when asked about the OSSB they would say they "knew nothing". Catholic sentiment in the US goes back to the founding of Jamestown, and was codified as early as 1642 in the Virginia and Massachusetts colonies with laws excluding Catholic settlers. The Catholic church was purging(not preventing them from offices, but actually killing people) all religions across Europe(and eventually globally in European territories) which it had been doing since the 1100's under various Inquisitions. Protestants had emerged in the 1517s followed by the Jesuits in 1540 force their submission to papal authority.
Pinkerton meets with Edward Rucker in a Masonic lodge to start a private security agency
President Zachary Taylor dies(assassinated) from a intestinal issues(poison). Fillmore takes over and immediately signs the Compromise of 1850. Taylor was a hardliner for preservation of the Union. In a conference with southern leaders Feb 1850 Taylor said,
"taken in rebellion against the Union, he would hang ... with less reluctance than he had hanged deserters and spies in Mexico."
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The "Golden Circle" |
The Knights of the Golden Circle(KGC) was formed by George Bickley with the goal of establishing an economic empire around the Gulf of Mexico based on slavery.
Pinkerton creates the Pinkerton Private Detective Agency. During the Civil War he would run the Union Intelligence Service He will later originate the precursors to the FBIs criminal record database and the Secret Service. Yes, the same one from "Red Dead Redemption 2"(rdr2).
Charles Chiniquy is sued by a wealthy Catholic layman. He gets Abraham Lincoln
(an established railroad lawyer) to represent him and settles out of court. When Chiniquy's case is settled, he tells Lincoln that he now fears for Lincolns life because Lincoln stood up to the Catholic church.
Pinkerton hires the first female private detective, Kate Warne.
Dred Scott case decision is handed down as "law of the land" by Catholic Chief Justice Taney. Taney routinely lies in his decision in order to set forth a precedent that did not exist in the US that precedent is regurgitated today by the New York Times in their "1619 Project". Yes, the same NYT that ignored the Holocaust in Germany under Hitler and lied about(even got a Pulitzer for it) the millions of murders in Russia under Stalin another Russia-gate.
John Brown's Raid on Harper's Ferry. Allegedly, Booth went to watch the execution of John Brown.
Samuel Felton was concerned his Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad(P. W. B.) was targeted by southerners. Destruction of the rail line would limit mobility for troops and supplies during a possible war or be a target for southern terrorism and more importantly his money.
Pinkerton uncovers a plot to assassinate Lincoln in Baltimore, MD(Catholic city) at the Calvert Station while looking for plots against the P.W.B. line. Pinkerton's spies heard there would be a distraction then someone would sneak up and stab Lincoln. The entire plot was based around a Catholic Italian hair dresser named Cipriano Ferrandini who was a member of the KGC.
Lincoln elected 16th President of US. He won in a race against three pro-slavery candidates.
South Carolina becomes the first state to leave the Union.
Pinkerton intercepts Lincoln and tells him about the plot he uncovered. Pinkerton urged Lincoln to leave immediately to thwart the plan based on Lincolns published itinerary. Lincoln eventually agrees to cancel after hearing about the plot and the threat to blow up a railroad bridge his train was to use from another source.
Pinkerton escorted Lincoln on a clandestine trip through Baltimore, MD from Pennsylvania to Washington DC because of a possible assassination attempt. Warne accompanied the group for part of the journey to play the sister to a disguised Lincoln. She would break off from the group and keep an eye on Baltimore activity. Lincoln would later tell Chiniquy, who would include in his book "50 Years in the Church of Rome",
I am so glad to meet you again. . . . You see that your friends, the Jesuits, have not yet killed me. But they would have surely done it when I passed through their most devoted city, Baltimore, had I not passed by incognito a few hours before they expected me.
At the Lincoln inauguration Horace Greely says,
"I sat just behind him, expecting to hear its delivery arrested by the crack of a rifle aimed at his heart ; but it pleased God to post- pone the deed, though there was forty times the reason for shooting him in 1860 that there was in 1865, and at least forty times as many intent on killing him or having him killed. No shot was then fired, however ; for his hour had not yet come."
Lincoln is made aware of the KGC's efforts to divide the country in a letter.
Lincoln signs the Emancipation Proclamation shifting the historical narrative of the Civil War from "states rights" to the Trojan horse of "human rights". Human rights sounds like a good thing, but it is used as a wedge for entities to take power throughout history. In history, always pay close attention when an entity cites "human rights" as a justification for taking action against another entity, those rights are never upheld. The proclamation keeps Britain out of the war(would have sided with the CSA), gives the Union 200k black soldiers over the course of the war and hurt the economic manpower of the Confederacy.
Confederates started experiencing severe shortages in manpower, material and food.
Union draft started. Serve, provide a substitute or pay $300.
300 KGC march on Reading, PA to free their leaders who were arrested two days before.
Battle of Gettysburg one of the proposed turning points of the Civil War. Im not here to argue that, but Gettysburg is a well known reference point for most people.
Draft Riots 120 people in New York die.
Gettysburg Address
Samuel Mudd(KGC) is introduced to Booth with a letter from the Confederate Secret Service out of Montreal, Canada
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General Sherman |
Sherman's March to the Sea. General Sherman(Mason, raised Catholic) destroys everything for 300 miles in a 60 mile wide path. The definition of "total war". Sherman refined his total war strategy during the Seminole War where he murdered women and children burned houses and crops while avoiding fighting warriors.
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Sherman's March to the Sea |
John Wilkes Booth(member of the Knights of the Golden Circle) and a group of men were going to kidnap Lincoln from Fords Theater and lower him down from the balcony with a rope then escape to Confederate territory where they would ransom Lincoln back to the Union in exchange for prisoner exchange that Grant had stopped. The mission was approved by the Confederate Secret Service out of Canada. The KGC had as one of its goals to kidnap Lincoln and ransom him. Grant stopped the practice because he knew the North was more densely populated than the South and he could attrit the Confederacy's numbers by holding prisoners rather than exchanging them to fight again this was bad for the Confederacy and captured Union soldiers.
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John Wilkes Booth |
Booth and a group of men stage an ambush to kidnap Lincoln en-route to a play of "The River Runs Deep". Some say the ambush was to test the group and retrieve weapons that had been hidden by one of the conspirators and Booth would later need to kill Lincoln. Lincoln was scheduled to present a flag at the National Hotel that day and most likely wouldnt have been traveling through their ambush point.
Robert E. Lee surrenders to Grant at Appomattox Court House.
Booth, Herold and Powell attend Lincolns address. At the speech, he supposedly tells Powell to shoot Lincoln right there(Powell was a soldier and the better shot). Booth is reported to have said two phrases. One being "thats the last speech he will ever make" seems too perfect and the other about blacks voting. I dont think he said either, and the one about blacks voting has been debunked.
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The Derringer used to shoot Lincoln |
This was also the day Lincoln made the Secret Service. But it wasnt for protection. It was to investigate counterfeit currency. At this time 1/3 of all currency was counterfeit. The secret service will start part-time presidential protection in 1894. The secret service would not start full time presidential protection until 1902.
Booth learned that morning Lincoln would be at Fords Theater that evening. He called Powell, Herold and Atzerodt and revealed the new plan to kill
Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes Booth with a Derringer at Fords Theater. Booth had planned to shoot Lincoln and stab Grant. Grant ended up not attending the play. While fleeing, Booth shouts to the crowd, "Sic Semper Tyranis!" and breaks his ankle.
Simultaneously, George Arzerodt was in a bar trying to get up the courage to kill Andrew Johnson. He chickens out.
Lewis Powell and David Herold go to William Seward's house. Powell forces his way in stabs Sewards son and slashes Seward with a knife and runs off. Powell does not kill anyone. Seward will survive with a large scar on his face. Herold was a guide and will leave before Powell is done.
Booth was at the top of his career at the time.
The plan was to rendezvous at the Surratt house in order to get weapons and gear that was stashed before the plot. Booth finds Herold there who travels with him to Samuel Mudd's(member of the Knights of the Golden Circle) house to fix his broken ankle. Booth leaves his boot at Mudds house and once his ankle is fixed. Booths boot had his initials in it and that leads to Mudds conviction.
John Surratt Jr flees to St Liboire, Canada where Father Charles Boucher helped him evade capture and later link up with Confederate agents Tucker and Lee who helped him travel to Britain where he stayed in another Catholic church. He would eventually end up serving in the Ninth Company of the Pontifical Zouaves(Papal guards).
Spangler, Arnold, Olaughlen, Powell and Marry Surratt are arrested. Powell and Mary were arrested together. Powell had finally made his way to Mary's house while it was being searched by soldiers.
Atzerodt and Mudd are arrested at separate locations. Reward proclamation for capture or information leading to capture of conspirators this would lead to the capture of the last remaining conspirator.
Booth and Herold were tracked to a barn in the country. Herold surrendered to save himself. Booth would die by a gunshot.
Davis dissolved the Confederate government. Davis planned to ultimately go to Texas to continue the fight in the "Golden Circle" around the Gulf of Mexico using slavery as a economic system.
Mary Surratt becomes the first woman to be given the death penalty by the federal government(Yay, for equality!). A movie was made about her trial "The Conspirator" Mary, Lewis Powell, David Herold and George Atzerodt were all executed by hanging. Michael OLaughlen, Samuel Mudd, Samuel Arnold and Edmund Spangler were given prison sentences.
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Lewis Powell(actual photo) |
Slavery was abolished when the 13th Amendment was ratified.
Pope Pius iX sends Jefferson Davis in prison at Fortress Monroe a picture of himself with a hand written note on it. The pope was the only European power to recognize the Confederate States.
"Venite ad me omnes qui laboratis, et ego reficiam vos, dicit Dominus."04.1866
John Surratt Jr tells a childhood acquaintance named Shuey also serving as a Papal Zouave that he is there because he was a part of an assassination attempt on Lincoln. Shuey tells the existing ambassador named Rufus King.
Surratt was arrested and then conveniently escaped Papal authorities.
John Surratt Jr(confirmed Confederate spy) stood trial after being caught by King in Egypt while fleeing. He was not convicted, and he was eventually released. He was willing to fight in an ongoing war for the pope, but not for the Confederacy.
US Congress voted to cut diplomatic ties with the Papal States. Mexico severed ties with the Papal States as well.
The Papal States had its land removed and it was no longer recognized as a state, yet the pope continued on. Italy was reunified and the Papal States were dissolved by the Italian government.
John Surratt Jr admitted to his involvement in the kidnapping plot of Lincoln
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two fascists |
Vatican City is created under the Lateran Treaty after 59 years by Mussolini along with a large reparation payment.
Diplomatic ties remained severed officially until 1984(117 YEARS!), but unofficially they would be restored through "back channels"(the phrase came up a lot in the 2019 Trump impeachment inquiry). Complete separation resumed between 1951 and 1968.
The Berlin wall falls and it is attributed to pope John Paul ii by Bill Clinton.
The change in the century would bring light to a systemic abuse of children and an effort to cover it up by the Vatican.
Vatican diplomat recalled to the Vatican from the US for "possible" child porn possession. The Vatican, under pope Francis, refused to waive diplomatic immunity. The Canadians want him as well.
Priest makes a Mincraft server for kids...
An Iranian Ayatollah appeals to the the pope to get US sanctions lifted amid the Covid-19 pandemic.
Lincoln: American Mastermind
"The Hour of Peril"
Edward Steers Jr "Blood on the Moon"
Kill Jeff Davis part 2
American Brutus
Knights of the Golden Circle (7.5min)
Major dates
Court case over the reward for John Surratt
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