Lab in Wuhan is linked to Chinese Bio weapon program. "one of eight biological warfare research facilities covered by the Biological Weapons Convention"
Nov 16 2002
First case of SARS reported in Yunnan province
Feb 2003
WHO warned of SARS outbreak. SARS will continue to spread thru May 2004 mainly being moved around by hospital staff and SARS researchers.
China starts work on a P4 lab in Wuhan. Completed in 2014. Operational in 2019 with help from France.
July 13 2003
The TV show The Dead Zone airs an episode(S2 E14) about a mysterious virus from China, originating in animals, spread through the air, involving a lock down and using Chloroquine(he uses his psychic powers to figure it out) as a treatment.
China takes over ALL production of aspirin, vitamin C and penicillin. By 2019 China will have over 80% of all pharmaceutical production of products used in the US.
Michel Barnier signs off on the Wuhan virus lab after French intel warns that the lab is susceptible to leakage
Apr 12 2004
CDC applies for the SARS human corona virus patent Approved in 2007. Expired on 1/31/2020
Aug 22 2005
NIH publishes a study on the effectiveness of Chloroquine against Sars-cov-1.
Mar 15 2007
New York Task Force on Life and Law released its finding specifically on ventilators in the event of a pandemic. The study showed that New York would need 15,783(page 30 Table 1) Because of Certificate of Need(CON) laws, New York state must approve all hospital beds and equipment in hospitals.
Pfizer opens R&D hub in Wuhan and 2 other Chinese cities.
Jan 11 2010
Google.org begins funding research to study bat viruses to include SARS and Corona.
Mar 23 2010
Obamacare is signed into law. The law will make small hospitals and physician owned practices nearly obsolete with suffocating regulation. Over the next decade small practices will be bought up or go out of business limiting hospital beds all over the country.
Sep 09 2011
Contagion released with a similar transmission path as Covid
Oct 09 2012
Fauci authors a short paper in the American Society of Microbiology defending "risky" "gain of function" research into H5N1 where he says, "the benefits of such experiments and the resulting knowledge outweigh the risks."
Fauci authors a short paper in the American Society of Microbiology defending "risky" "gain of function" research into H5N1 where he says, "the benefits of such experiments and the resulting knowledge outweigh the risks."
Oct 30 2013
Nature.com releases a study about the next SARS outbreak possibly coming from bats.
Hunter Bidens RSTP company works with Metabiota which was working with EcoHealth Alliance(Daszak) which was working with the USAIDs "PREDICT Project" to "predict and prevent global emerging disease threats" this involved the Wuhan lab and the Chinese "bat lady". Rmember they are working with dangerous bat viruses and receiving funding(from the US government and Fauci via Daszak) and they wont have a P4 lab until 2019.
Apr 11 2014
MERS outbreak in Saudi Arabia. MERS emerged in Saudi Arabia in 2012.
Oct 2014
Obama administration stops all "gain of function" research AND FUNDING by the NIH.
Obama administration stops all "gain of function" research AND FUNDING by the NIH.
Chinese public health officials and scientists release "The Unnatural Origin of SARS and New Species of Man-Made Viruses as Genetic Bioweapons" where they talk about "the weaponization of SARS coronavirus" that could "artificially manipulated into an emerging human disease virus, then weaponized and unleashed in a way never seen before"
Chinese public health officials and scientists release "The Unnatural Origin of SARS and New Species of Man-Made Viruses as Genetic Bioweapons" where they talk about "the weaponization of SARS coronavirus" that could "artificially manipulated into an emerging human disease virus, then weaponized and unleashed in a way never seen before"
Apr 03 2015
Bill Gates on a viral outbreak similar to the "Spanish" Flu.
He predicted a loss of $3T! Covid might be more than that already...
He sticks to the 10m dead number here and later.
July 23 2015
Coronavirus(IBV) is patented for use as a vaccine by Pirbright Institute
Jan 19 2016
The Division: Agent Origins is released by UbiSoft for their game The Division. The game centers around a respiratory based terror attack that ravages NYC. In that world they actually go into immediate lock down and spare the rest of the country.
Lead up to the game. Eerily similar to what is happening early 2020(its just interesting as a gamer)
Agent Origins
Aug 2017
Wuhan Institute of Virology(WIV) edits bat DNA with CRISPR
Dec 19 2017
NIH lifts ban on "gain of function" research AND FUNDING experiments involving influenza, MERS and SARS without notifying the White House or President Trump.
Mar 06 2018
Ubisoft releases a limited time game mode in Rainbow Six: Siege called "Outbreak" with a "pandemic" level of difficulty. The gameplay is focused on an alien based virus.
Nov 26 2018
Chinese scientist uses CRISPR to genetically modifies babies DNA to be HIV proof.
Mar 2019
Wuhan Institute of Virology puts out a report on the possibility of bat coronavirus jumping to humans
Nov 6 2019
Bill Gates and World Economic Forum fund Event 201 at John Hopkins University with Dr Toner
Nov 17 2019
Earliest know case is found.(as of 3/2020) It flew under the radar written off as pneumonia. The CCP suppressed and destroyed data until after the US trade deal.
Dec 7-ish 2019
Of the first 3 identified cases the earliest known sickness symptoms were 12/20/2019(as of 2/2020). The "Wuhan virus" is said to have a 2 week incubation period putting it in the first week of Dec.
Image released by @pdchina of 2019-nCov |
Dec 18 2019
Covid traces found in Italian sewage in a retroactive analysis
Dec 30 2019
Harvard professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology and 2 Chinese nationals arrested for spying and stealing cancer research.
"He was being paid $50,000 per month by the Chinese university and given $1.5 million to establish a nanoscience research lab at Wuhan University of Technology, the complaint said." and "a contract he had with a Chinese talent recruitment plan to attract high-level scientists to the country."
Head of Wuhan Lab claims they "didnt even know it[covid] existed" until this day. CCP officials take samples of Wuhan "wet market"(which it would not share and later destroy).
Dec 31 2019
Taiwan tells the WHO that their doctors are catching the covid-19 which means that person to person transmission is possible. The WHO ignored the report.
Jan 2020
China buys over 80 tons of medical supplies through real estate agencies and flys them out of Australia on private planes while claiming the virus was under control.
Jan 03 2020
Chinas National Health Commission orders the destruction of covid samples
Jan 11 2020
CCP releases covid genome after another lab does. Meanwhile, the WHO is actively covering up for the CCP.
Jan 14 2020
WHO declared Covid-19 a global health emergency and said "Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China,"
Leak reports that CCP knew about virus potential on this day. It waits to mention it until Jan 20(below)
Jan 15 2020
Trump signs China Trade Deal Phase One - The CCP knew there was an outbreak in China. They knew it was person to person transmitted, and it could live on surfaces for a short period of time. Initially, these two facts were denied by China.
Jan 20 2020
China admits Covid-19 transmits person to person.
Jan 22 2020
Bill Gates on an imaginary epidemic at CEPI which "aims to derail epidemics by speeding up the development of vaccines". He mentions the 10m dead again.
Jan 23 2020
China begins quarantining Wuhan...the whole city. They start breaking up roads and closing bridges.
![]() |
thermal scanner at Wuhan quarantine checkpoint Incheon International Airport checkpoint |
China attempts treatment with HIV drugs made by AbbVie Inc(Current stock price ABBV $85)
Gilead Inc.(Currrent stock price GILD $63) is also promoting a drug called Remdisiver Why did China attempt to use HIV drugs? What did they know? Did they create Covid-19 NOT AS A WEAPON, BUT to try and make a HIV vaccine?
Dr Cottrell discovers the "Wuhan virus" may have been modified to contain multiple bat SARS strains (video was removed by YouTube even though he was most likely correct)
Dr Fauci tells us the virus is nothing to worry about.(audio from a podcast)
Jan 27 2020
India researchers look at possible similar homogeny with HIV(research is later taken down). Notice this took place AFTER China announced using the HIV drugs.
Jan 28 2020
Australia recreates 2019-nCoV first outside China
Jan 29 2020
Thailand is a popular travel spot during this time of year.
Jan 30 2020
Thailand cant contain the "Wuhan virus"
Jan 31 2020
Italy declares state of emergency for 6 months to combat 2019-nCoV
Media begins PR defending Wuhan lab It definitely didnt come from the P4 lab, "But the jury is still out on what the real origins of this are."
Trump restricts travel from China begins quarantining people
Feb 1 2020
This social media clown claims to be a doctor working on Covid-19 Notice the wrong type of masks this "doctor" is wearing.
Fauci receives an email from a fellow scientist, K Andersen, mentioning the virus was "inconsistent with expectations from evolutionary theory" and "some features look engineered".
Feb 2 2020
China has a bird flu outbreak (H5N1)
Feb 3 2020
Brazil declares state of emergency for 2019-nCoV
WHO says restricting international travel is not necessary and there is "no reason" for it (Look below)
China blames US for spreading fear about 2019-nCoV.
Feb 4 2020
China quarantines 4 more cities with 21m MORE people in them
WHO says Covid-19 is NOT a "pandemic". Its an "epidemic" in multiple places across the world and a "pandemic" is a worldwide spread of disease. Thanks for clearing that up...
WHO blames other countries for not sharing data
Curtis Ellis links Covid-19 as an out for Phase 1 China deal (start at 10:17) mentions wording in 7.6.2(page 81)
Feb 05 2020
Fauci says in an email(obtained via FOIA request) to S. Burwell and tells her that masks do not prevent healthy people from getting infection. Masks are for symptomatic people to wear to prevent spreading the virus through droplets in the air.
Feb 8 2020
China pollution link to virus lethality in China versus lethality outside of China?
Feb 14 2020
North Korea executes a violator of the quarantine by firing squad
Feb 15 2020
Biologist are going to sequence Covid-19 from scratch in North Carolina.
First Covid-19 death in Europe
Feb 17 2020
Will covid-19 break China's piggy bank?
Feb 18 2020
Critical medical products, drugs and devices at risk due to China shutdown
Feb 19 2020
160 are released after a 14 day federal quarantine triggered by potential covid-19 exposure while returning to the US.
2 die in Iran as covid-19 spreads in the country
Covid-19 more contagious than SARS and MERS
China destroys cash to stop covid-19 spread
Feb 20 2020
Russia blocks all Chinese visitors amid covid-19 worries
Feb 21 2020
Italy begins locking down people as the virus spreads
Feb 22 2020
Animals die possibly from massive disinfecting campaign in China
Feb 24 2020
WHO is still not admitting that COVID-19 is a pandemic, but says we should be ready for it to be one
While China fights the virus, Locust mega-swarms in East Africa and Pakistan are set to impact global food supplies. The virus could affect China's spring planting.
China's air pollution is clearing due to the shutdown.
Chelsea Clinton thinks people care what she says.
Feb 25 2020
China cracks down on the eating of wild animals
Iran has the 2nd highest death toll
Feb 26 2020
Trump Press Conference
Feb 27 2020
China offers to pay people to self report symptoms.
Guy on a bike talking about Covid-19
Feb 28 2020
WHO says Covid-19 is a "very high" global risk, but definitely not a pandemic.
Iran restricts access to religious sites
Saudi Arabia restricts access to religious sites
Mar 2020
Fauci briefs the WHO World Health Assembly in Europe that COVID-19 could have originated in a lab in China
Mar 04 2020
Saudi Arabia bans the pilgrimage to Mecca.
Iran releases 54,000 prisoners because of the virus.
Turkey conducts diplomacy with Iran via Skype due to virus.
Traces of covid are found in Spanish sewage in a retroactive analysis
Mar 07 2020
Italy locks down the northern portion of the country.
Canada gives China over $800k cad with part of it going to Wuhan Institute of Virology and CRISPR research
Mar 08 2020
Fauci advises AGAINST wearing masks saying, "Right now people shouldnt be walking around in masks" on the 60 Minutes TV show
Mar 09 2020
Italy is under a complete lock down after a northern lock down is leaked.
Mar 11 2020
**WHO CALLS COVID-19 A PANDEMIC** The WHO is a disgrace.
Trump restricts EU travel as the virus spreads.
China quarantines visitors from ALL countries.
India goes "full retard".
Adam Gartner tells Fauci in an email how to allegedly make the COVID-19 virus in a lab.
Mar 12 2020
China accuses the US of creating and releasing Covid-19.
Mar 13 2020
JP Morgan forecasts a pandemic driven recession.
Mar 14 2020
People are posting videos and challenging others to lick toilet seats.
Mar 15 2020
The Pentagon restricts all DoD domestic travel(impacts military vacations that align with dependents spring breaks ultimately impacting tourism industry)
Spain complete lock down
Facebook head Zuckerberg offers Fauci "resources(Facebook censorship) and money" to get out the "right(censorship and promotion on Facebook) public messages" out.
Mar 04 2020
Saudi Arabia bans the pilgrimage to Mecca.
Iran releases 54,000 prisoners because of the virus.
Turkey conducts diplomacy with Iran via Skype due to virus.
Traces of covid are found in Spanish sewage in a retroactive analysis
Mar 07 2020
Italy locks down the northern portion of the country.
Canada gives China over $800k cad with part of it going to Wuhan Institute of Virology and CRISPR research
Mar 08 2020
Fauci advises AGAINST wearing masks saying, "Right now people shouldnt be walking around in masks" on the 60 Minutes TV show
Mar 09 2020
Italy is under a complete lock down after a northern lock down is leaked.
Mar 11 2020
**WHO CALLS COVID-19 A PANDEMIC** The WHO is a disgrace.
Trump restricts EU travel as the virus spreads.
China quarantines visitors from ALL countries.
India goes "full retard".
Adam Gartner tells Fauci in an email how to allegedly make the COVID-19 virus in a lab.
Mar 12 2020
China accuses the US of creating and releasing Covid-19.
Mar 13 2020
JP Morgan forecasts a pandemic driven recession.
Mar 14 2020
People are posting videos and challenging others to lick toilet seats.
Mar 15 2020
The Pentagon restricts all DoD domestic travel(impacts military vacations that align with dependents spring breaks ultimately impacting tourism industry)
Spain complete lock down
Facebook head Zuckerberg offers Fauci "resources(Facebook censorship) and money" to get out the "right(censorship and promotion on Facebook) public messages" out.
BioNTech and Fosun Pharma(Chinese) partner to research vaccines for Covid and to share sales in China.
Mar 16 2020
France is under a complete lock down for at least 2 weeks.
Canada is under a complete lock down.
Mar 17 2020
Dow drops 3,000 points showing the weakness of the current monetary system.
Mar 16 2020
US News finally figures out pollution affects a respiratory disease(Covid-19). XcerptShow.com figured it out in Jan.
Mar 19 2020
Hydroxychloroquine is used to save people with COVID-19 Hydroxychloroquine is used for malaria and other autoimmune diseases and is widely available.
Italy passes China in deaths(according to released data. The CCP hasnt been truthful about their data.)
Belgium is under a complete lock down.
Mar 20 2020
Global death toll reaches 10k
Swiss ban groups of 5 or more
All the CCP moves used to stabilize their economy
Mar 21 2020
1 billion people are on lock down
Jodan complete lock down
Mar 22 2020
Mexico has Covid comic "Susana Distancia"
Mar 23 2020
IMF says economic fallout for globe worse than 2008
UK under a complete lock down
Mar 24 2020
Louisiana declared federal disaster area
India complete lock down
2020 Olympics delayed until 2021
Congregation for the doctrine of faith(aka "Inquisition" ran by Jesuits) remains open as essential
WHO proves it is useless once again
Spain hits 3k dead.
Mar 25 2020
Idaho complete lock down
Colorado complete lock down
Congress passes $2-6 TRILLION bill to address Covid-19
Canada unveils $2000 per month aid
A third of the GLOBAL population is on lockdown.
FBI kills a false flag bombing suspect
Chinese test kits sent all over the globe are faulty by 80%
Food shortages are becoming a concern.
Mar 26 2020
Iran complete lock down
Mar 27 2020
Bailout could ruin economy
Mar 26 2020
Global death toll reaches +20k
New Hampshire complete lock down
Mexicans tell Americans to keep out
Mar 29 2020
Nigeria complete lock down
Mar 30 2020
Russia complete lock down
Mar 31 2020
NIH is talking about(in emails) multiple studies showing how ineffective masks are at preventing the virus.
Global death toll reaches 40k
Millennials show they are the final generation
Apr 01 2020
Mar 16 2020
France is under a complete lock down for at least 2 weeks.
Canada is under a complete lock down.
Mar 17 2020
Dow drops 3,000 points showing the weakness of the current monetary system.
Mar 16 2020
US News finally figures out pollution affects a respiratory disease(Covid-19). XcerptShow.com figured it out in Jan.
Mar 19 2020
Hydroxychloroquine is used to save people with COVID-19 Hydroxychloroquine is used for malaria and other autoimmune diseases and is widely available.
Italy passes China in deaths(according to released data. The CCP hasnt been truthful about their data.)
Belgium is under a complete lock down.
Mar 20 2020
Global death toll reaches 10k
Swiss ban groups of 5 or more
All the CCP moves used to stabilize their economy
Mar 21 2020
1 billion people are on lock down
Jodan complete lock down
Mar 22 2020
Mexico has Covid comic "Susana Distancia"
Mar 23 2020
IMF says economic fallout for globe worse than 2008
UK under a complete lock down
Mar 24 2020
Louisiana declared federal disaster area
India complete lock down
2020 Olympics delayed until 2021
Congregation for the doctrine of faith(aka "Inquisition" ran by Jesuits) remains open as essential
WHO proves it is useless once again
Spain hits 3k dead.
Mar 25 2020
Idaho complete lock down
Colorado complete lock down
Congress passes $2-6 TRILLION bill to address Covid-19
Canada unveils $2000 per month aid
A third of the GLOBAL population is on lockdown.
FBI kills a false flag bombing suspect
Chinese test kits sent all over the globe are faulty by 80%
Food shortages are becoming a concern.
Mar 26 2020
Iran complete lock down
Mar 27 2020
Bailout could ruin economy
Mar 26 2020
Global death toll reaches +20k
New Hampshire complete lock down
Mexicans tell Americans to keep out
Mar 29 2020
Nigeria complete lock down
Mar 30 2020
Russia complete lock down
Mar 31 2020
NIH is talking about(in emails) multiple studies showing how ineffective masks are at preventing the virus.
Global death toll reaches 40k
Millennials show they are the final generation
Apr 01 2020
CDC advises everyone to wear masks.
Philippines Duterte orders police & military to SHOOT Covid-19 quarantine violators
US Intel says China is lying...half a year later
China fears 2nd wave.
FBI missed this terrorist that actually did something
Georgia complete lock down
Florida complete lock down
US Department of State recognizes the lab leak origin as most probable in a secret internal memo
Stuck at home during a lock down? Watch "Lock Out"! 4/5 stars action movie from 2012.
Philippines Duterte orders police & military to SHOOT Covid-19 quarantine violators
US Intel says China is lying...half a year later
China fears 2nd wave.
FBI missed this terrorist that actually did something
Georgia complete lock down
Florida complete lock down
US Department of State recognizes the lab leak origin as most probable in a secret internal memo
Stuck at home during a lock down? Watch "Lock Out"! 4/5 stars action movie from 2012.
Apr 09 2020
Pfizer partners with BioNTech to develop the Cov19 vaccine
Apr 10 2020
Global death toll hits 100k
How are COVID deaths being coded? Why are the numbers so high?
Apr 12 2020
WHO admits covid will "stalk the human race for a long time to come" Look forward to immunization tracking tech, ID2020
Apr 15 2020
Global death toll 130k
Apr 17 2020
Global death toll 150k
May 2020
Pfizer partners with BioNTech to develop the Cov19 vaccine
Apr 10 2020
Global death toll hits 100k
How are COVID deaths being coded? Why are the numbers so high?
WHO admits covid will "stalk the human race for a long time to come" Look forward to immunization tracking tech, ID2020
Apr 15 2020
Global death toll 130k
Apr 17 2020
Global death toll 150k
May 2020
Fauci admits masks arent that useful.
Fauci tell NatGeo that there is no "evidence" of lab leak . **Look at how legalistic he talks to create a untrue narrative...
May 13 2020
Sweden says face masks are "false sense of security"
May 14 2020
Global death toll hits 300k
May 25 2020
WHO suspends trials involving HCQ. They claim it is dangerous and does not work.
Jun 4 2020
Covid lockdown created a massive wealth transfer
Jun 7 2020
Global death toll hits 400k
Jun 9 2020
WHO clarifies asymptomatic transmission is "rare" and not "very rare" So it is a magenta item in an RPG?
Jun 23 2020
Fauci admits he lied about not needing to wear masks at the beginning of the Pandemic and that masks do little to prevent reception of the virus.
Jun 28 2020
Global death toll hits 500k
July 10 2020
WHO finally sends a team to investigate virus origins in China.
July 19 2020
Global death toll hits 600k
July 26 2020
"Americas Frontline Doctors" forms and appeals to the White House to utilize HCQ.
Aug 03 2020
Fauci tell NatGeo that there is no "evidence" of lab leak . **Look at how legalistic he talks to create a untrue narrative...
May 13 2020
Sweden says face masks are "false sense of security"
May 14 2020
Global death toll hits 300k
May 25 2020
WHO suspends trials involving HCQ. They claim it is dangerous and does not work.
Jun 4 2020
Covid lockdown created a massive wealth transfer
Jun 7 2020
Global death toll hits 400k
Jun 9 2020
WHO clarifies asymptomatic transmission is "rare" and not "very rare" So it is a magenta item in an RPG?
Jun 23 2020
Fauci admits he lied about not needing to wear masks at the beginning of the Pandemic and that masks do little to prevent reception of the virus.
Jun 28 2020
Global death toll hits 500k
July 10 2020
WHO finally sends a team to investigate virus origins in China.
July 19 2020
Global death toll hits 600k
July 26 2020
"Americas Frontline Doctors" forms and appeals to the White House to utilize HCQ.
Aug 03 2020
Dutch Scientist say face coverings provide "no benefit and there may even be a negative impact."
Jan 05 2021
Fauci tells people it might be useful to wear 2 masks. It "just makes common sense"...
Pfizer hires 600 people with an end goal of 1800 by June to account for all the adverse reactions to the shot.
June 2021
BioNTech completes a tech transfer to Fosun Pharma
April 2022
BioNTech and Matinas Bio Pharma make research deal for vaccine delivery. Matinas works on "vaccines, and gene editing technologies."
Other sources:
Infection map
Who is Peng Zhou?
People passing out in the streets
China Rising
Jan 05 2021
Fauci tells people it might be useful to wear 2 masks. It "just makes common sense"...
Pfizer hires 600 people with an end goal of 1800 by June to account for all the adverse reactions to the shot.
June 2021
BioNTech completes a tech transfer to Fosun Pharma
April 2022
BioNTech and Matinas Bio Pharma make research deal for vaccine delivery. Matinas works on "vaccines, and gene editing technologies."
Other sources:
Infection map
Who is Peng Zhou?
People passing out in the streets
China Rising
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